WHY ON EARTH such a decidedly immoral person as Donald J. Trump, lacking anything remotely resembling what one generally considers Christian values or character, continues to be the recipient of the lion's share of evangelical Christian support, is among the most , of not the most puzzling and posed questions in contemporary American politics. The prevailing theory seems to be that abortion rights are the central concern of single issue religious voters, that republicans tend to be anti-choice while Democrats are generally pro choice, that Trump is a republican, although he was at one time pro choice Democrat, and that therefore lazy single issue voters hold their noses, look teh other way, away from Trump's filthy character, blind themselves to trump's constant lies and misbehavior, install ear plugs, and vote Trump. Scholarship is beginning to produce monographs concerning this question. "White Too Long: the Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity" by Robert P.Jones, awakens the reader to the reality that the whit American Christian community has from the nation's beginning been the epicenter of American racism, and that Donald Trump, demonstrably racist, embodies vicariously the aspirations of white supremacist Christianity. to covertly racist attitudes while overtly denying doing so. "Red State Christianity: Understanding the voters Who Elected Donald Trump" by Angela Daeker , like Jones, emphasizes the tunnel vision and intellectual laziness of single issue voters, and, like Jones, describes in detail what white American Christianity tries to downplay: its intimate role in supporting slavery, segregation, and racial discrimination, as evidenced by today's continuing christian segregation of parishes, and the fact that denominations such as the Baptist church split into north and southern organizations in the eighteen forties, dividing over the slavery issue, and that the southern Baptist church formally apologized for its racist past only as recently as 1990. Both authors conclude from convincing evidence that the supporters of Donald Trump do not trust God to directly give guidance and inspiration to pregnant women without the need for government intervention, and that they are quite content to leave racism to the free market private sector, letting it languish wherever it pleases, without allowing the government to lift a finger against it. A most interesting concept of God and government do these Trump supporters have, and seek to impose upon us all.
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