Thursday, October 8, 2020

Saying "Anon" To Q-Anon

 FACEBOOK, like all big businesses, is unfeeling, uncaring, concerned only with profit. But sometimes a blind old squirrel finds an acorn, and upon rare occasion corporations do the right thing.Facebook finally saw some light and removed hundreds of posts by the shadowy, freakish, pro Trump online organizations "Q-Anon". Q-Anon is one of those combinations of human interaction which ought not to exist, and which would never have existed without the internet, much like the "Antifa" group, which is opposed to all things Trump, and exists only online, with rare appearances in the real world by people claiming to be members.For the fact that Q-Anon exists almost entirely online, that it has no coherent organization or agenda, and that its members scarcely know each other and do not congregate in large numbers, we who are among the sane should be greatly grateful.Why anyone with a life, a roof over the head, hobbies, and friends sit down at a computer screen and profess allegiance to an organization which claims to be engaged in opposing and destroying a fictional organization which allegedly consists of blood sucking vampires,  A list celebrities, and members of some mythological "deep state" operating pedophile activities all for the purpose of removing the president of the United States from power is beyond the realm of reason. Who would participate in this childish nonsense? Mentally ill freaks, that's who. The pandemic affords many people the opportunity to do the things they enjoy doing at home, often with undesirable consequences.Q-Anon supports president Trump, and he supports them.he says he doesn't know much about them, but he appreciates the support. The more he finds out about them, the more likely he is to enthusiastically endorse the group, so weird are they and he.Q-Anon is decidedly Republican, conservative, and probably Christian, although rumor has it that it has drawn in some progressives as well, a dubious claim. Estimates are that between two percent and seven percent of the American population are either members or supporters, a figure hard to believe, frightening if true.The actual creator of Q-Aon is likely as misfit high school drop out teenager holed up in his parent's basement, laughing his brains out. there motto "where one goes, all go" is ominous. It implies unity of purpose no matter how insidious and insane the purpose. It implies complete and utter chaos.But it contains a certain sense of hope for those determined to defend human sanity when confronted with senseless lunacy. The hope is that one of them will go far, far away, maybe even to oblivion, and that the rest, like lemmings, the rest of these delusional derelicts will soon live up to their promise, and  go to their own frivolous , vacuous self destruction.

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