Wednesday, August 30, 2023


WE"VE SEEN IT BEFORE, recently. Mitch McConnell standing motionless in front of a group of journalists, holding a press conference, frozen, not moving, not speaking. Both times, the same scenario played out. McConnell standing frozen, speechless immediately after a question has been asked of him. The moment of his seeming inability to speak or move, lasts for nearly a half minute, the situation becoming more awkward by the second, the audience quiet, his assistants with facial expressions cannoting embarressment and impending panic, until finally one of them steps forward, and asks him whether he is alright, whether he heard the question. Finally regaing his presence and returning to awareness, he says that he is fine. Of course. What else could he say, what else would we expect him to say? A proud man, Mitch is by nature inclined to conceal his illnesses like a cat. Politicians,like musicians, never seem to retire. Like General MacArthur, they just fade away. Musicians die onstage, politicians die in office. In most professions most people either can barely wait to retire, or are forced to retire at a certain age prescribed by the rules of their profession. Poltiicians can get elected from the assistant living facility or from the grave,it seems. The same applies to Supreme Court justices, who cling to their power as long as possible, unconcstrained by any limits to their time of service. Sometimes, their judicial renderings show their encroaching cognitive and physical impairment.Sometimes,indeed often, politicians reveal their infirmities of advanced age in tragic fashion, by becoming inadequate representatives of their constituents. It is a law eternal that psople in positions of power almost never voluntarily relenquish their power. Power is among the most addictive of drugs. Musicians we appropriately give a pass to. No matter how old they become, their music seems to either get better, or to remain good. Then too, not only do they do no damage to anyone or to society in their dotage, they in fact continue to provide society the benefits of their art and entertainment. Mitch McConnell is the same age as Mick Jagger. Their pictures side by side, Mick looks infinitely younger, healthier, more vital and vigorous than Mitch. To prove it, he still cavorts around the stage, expending energy few people have, and still gives an incredibly good performance, as tens of thousnads of rock n roll fans worldwide can attest. Mick Jagger has had very much more of three staples of life than Mitch; sex, drugs, and exercise. It is evident that all three have not only not impeded his ability to withstand and measure up to the rigors of advancing age, but have contributed to his seemingly unending youth. In a democracy, political power should be widely distributed. Nobody should remain in office decade after decade, holding power despite diminishing abilities. We all deserve a chance to serve and to help govern. Mitch McConnell has had his, and then some. Now, its somebody else's turn. For the sake of American society and civilization, we must hope that Mick Jagger keeps rocking out as long as possible,and that Mitch McConnell leaves the political stage as soon as possible, which is now.

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