Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Eschewing Law For God

THE POTENIALLY GERAT STATE of Oklahoma, where the wind omes whippin' down the plain and religious zealotry seemingly trumps the United States constitution, has verifiably flown the coop. The right wing evangelical Christian community, which brought us Donald J. Trump among other intellectual dysfunctions, is in the process of establishing a state sponsored religious charter school, in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and its sacred priniciple of seperation of church and state. The religion thus elevated to state sponsorship is, as one might suppose, the Chritian one, presumably protestant. Of all the reigions in all the churches in all the towns in the world, the Christian one was selected for state sponsorship,, not at random, to be embedded within the state educational system. The absence of any of the other several thosuand relgions in the world clearly demonstrates that the intended purpose is not education, but rather, indoctrination. As one might predict, the lawsuits are already fying fast and furiously. Since all litigation in these modern United States of antipathy arrives eventually at the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court,that currently bizzarely configured entity, whose charge is supposedly to render "equal justice under law" which we lovingly like to call "SCOTUS", it'll take a good amount of time to right this dreadful wrong, and to remove this cancer from our mist. That, assuming that the high court stands by the constitution, these doggedly determined "originalists". Federal circuit court and appellate court litigation, if legal sanity prevails, is klikely to strike the infamous thing down cold, but who knows what will happen when SCOTUS, packed solid with right wing Catholic zealots, gets hold of the case? Its conceivable that they will overturn the first amendment, endorse the imposition of religion into government, and merely stipulate that Catholicism, as well as Protestantism, be included in the curricula of brainwashing indoctdrination. People who claim to be staunchly devoted to interpreting the document the way the founders did seem to have a very flexible and highly subjective way of reading the minds of Madison, Morris, et al. Predictably, opposition to this abandonment of the constitution is being described by far right wing religious extremistsas "an attack, nay,a war on Christianity". The phrase "attack on Christianity" is defined by the evangelical community of religious fanatics as any word or deed which fails to fully endorse any word or action which seeks to insinuate the Christian religion solidly within the framework of American governmnt and society. In essense, any person, place, or thing which does not enthusiastically approve of the quest to turn the United States into an offcially Chistian nation is guilty of waging war against Almighty God and his faith of choice. In the service of religious fervor,the evangelical commuinty of America has demonstrably never met a law it wasn't perfectly happy to break. This sheds light on the reason for evangelical America's unflagging support for Donald Trump. Proven criminals tend to feel most comfortable when in the company of each other.

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