Sunday, August 13, 2023

Making Mountains From Molehills and Molehills From Moutains

A PERCIPIENT FACEBOOK POST summarized the situation quite nicely. Republican lawmakers go out of their way, bending over backwards to investigate and prosecute every little trifling possible breach of good behavior by every Democrat at every opportunity, while simultansously turning the other cheek and their entire heads at the most enormous, most serious crimes perpetrated by their own conservative kind. The post used far fewer words to make this point, and made it tersely and effectively. Hillary Clinton was dragged in front of a Republican controlled congressional committee for eleven hours of testimony to answer questions about some alleged failure by her Department of State to provide adequate security against an attack on an American embassy which no one could have possibly predicted. Predictably, the sound and fury signified nothing; the lengthy investigation yielded not the slightest trace of negligence by Secretary Clinton. Reublicans never mention that small detail. President Bill Clinton was investigated for years because of a semen stain on a blue dress. The Rpublicans spent seventy million dollars proving that Clinton is in his words "a sinner, when the folks back in Arkansas would have willingly and happily told them that for free." Then we come to Hunter Biden, the wastrel son of the current president, who has long since been accused of and confirmed to have failed to pay taxes and to have illegally owned a firearm. Despite these long and well established facts, agreed upon by all, on goes the investigation of him; ironic, since when is the last time any Republican objected to anyone owning a firearm, illegally or otherwise? Meanwhile, Trump, who deliberately lied about the outcome of his bid for reelction, falsely claiming to have won when in fact he lost, refused to leave office, and attempted to orchestrate and faciliate a violent attempt to overthrow the American government to remain illegally in power. This, according to nearly all Republicans, is proof that Trump is being subjected to a "witch hunt", by a politically motivated United States Justice Department. They promise to pardon the criminal Trump if possible, if he is convited of any crime whatsoever, and they ignore his many crimes, notwithstanding the reality that he is currently under indictment in four seperate jurisdictions by an independent special prosecutor, and that all evidence so far accrued against Trump has been provided by former aides and associates of his, good Republicans all, and have been brought before federal judges appointed by Trunp himself. Voltaire said: "Allcomes out even when the day is done, and more even still when all the days are done." for their sake, Trump and his fellow Republican justice deying reprobates should hope that vVltaire was wrong, and that karma is not the bitch it is purported to be. Unofortunately for their side, Voltaire was right, karma is indeed a bitch, and the day has not yet ended.

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