Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Indicting Trump Yet Again

THE SCENARIO is becoming familiar. Former president Trump indicted, accused of multiple felonies. To date the miscrreant-in-chief has been formally charged in state and federal courts of ninety one crimes,by no fewer than four different grand juries. A pattern has emerged.In a satirical cartoon, Trump stsnds before a judge, who looks down on him from the bench and says: "Court is adjourned. The defendant will please try not to commit any crimes on the way to your car. Trump despisers are celebrating the advent of justice and having indictment parties; his supporters, not surprisingly, are crying foul, using the words "witch hunt" and "politically motivated", and vowing to invogorate their support for him as he attempts to regain the presidency, this time legally, so far. All indications are that support among America's most religious demographic, conservative evangelical Chritians, is on the rise. Their reactions to their idol's legal entanglements vary, but have a religious tone, predictably. From the beginning Amerian eangelical Christiandom has maintained that Donald J. Trump was elevated to the presidency by the will of Almighty God,and the son of God, Jesus Christ. Absurd as this seems to non believers and intelligent people generally, the deeper Trump descends into conspicuous perfidy, the more intently they seem to embrace this apparently delusional nonsense. All across America's fruited plain, revival tents spring up, the faithful to-Trump-and-Jesus flock come flocking, mouths flapping, through the flapping flaps, and thus begins the lambasting of liberal witch hunters, the supposedly liberal news media,the Demoratic party whose fault all this is, and, of course, President Joe Biden,the principle architect amd nail driver of Donald Trump's crucifiction. Donald Trump, the savior of American vittue, representavive of Christ on Earth, crusader against the ravages of windmill cancer. The collection plate is passed during prayer and gospel singing, and the legal defense fund is augmented with nickels,dimes, and one dollar bills. Checks accepted, unless they bounce. Until quite recently I passionately despised Trump and the conservative evangelical Christian community for their avid support of him. Now, I laugh and scoff at them, and strangely pity them for their folly. It is now firmly, irrevocably establised that America's evangelical community has a special fondness for miscreant criminals who have been elevated to positions of great influence and resonsibility by the "good" lord. This begs the questions: what is their ultimate standard of excellence and criminal exhaltation? At what point does Donald Trump transcend the realm of mere mortals, and achieve the lofty status of dieification? How many more crimes must the Don be accused of, and perchance convicted of, before evangelical Christianity, after the fashion of its predecessor, the original Christian denomination, Roman Catholicism, elects to venerate Trump the Magnificent Oft Indicted One is venerate as a saint, the first to ever be so honored and cherished in the long and circuitous history of the faithful Protestant flock of sheep?

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