Monday, August 7, 2023

Directing Our steps

IN THE BIBLE, PROVERBS 20:24 says "The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?". I would suggest editing this sriptural passage, so that it says: "The lord directs our steps, so why not try to understand everything along the way?". In the movie movie "Contact", based on a novel by Carl Sagan, someone says: If we are alone in the universe, it certainly is a waste of a lot of good space." Well, maybe. Arguably, the human race could disappear from the universe and space would get along without us just fine. If the universe, the forces of nature, "God" if you will, did not intend us to try to comprehend the universe, to compreehend everything along the way, it certainly is a waste of a great deal of crannial capacity and the intelligence embodied within it. In the marvelous television series "Cosmos" Sagan says that life "is a way for the cosmos to know itself". If attempting to unerstand reality is wrong, wrong in teh eyes of God, it seems pernicious that the very God which gives us the capacity to increase our comprehension of reality would tell us to refrain from so doing. Why plant the tree of knowledge, then create creatures capable of benefiting from it by learning, then prohibit the only creatures capable of benifiting from it from benefiting from it? It is almost as if the Biblical God wishes to play a cruel trick on the human mind. I have created a universe of wondrous marvels and diversity, and have given you the means by which to study, learn, behold and appreciate it, but I tell you not to. "God gave us the nuts", said Goethe, "but he will not crack them for us". He will not crack them for us,and yet, he admonishes us not to crack them for ourselves, even after giving us the means by which to? Indisputably, if we are not supppsed to try to understand everything, we are doing a very poor job of obeying the admonition. Praise be to us! May we be forever disobedient to such arbitrary, pernicious authority. Einstein said that "The only thing inscrutable about the universe is that it is inscrutable". Einstein, like any inquiring mind worth its synapses, simply could not believe that the human mind is incapable of comprehending reality,or at least making a strong attempt to so do. The universe is knowable, he believed. He understood, as do all honest intellectuals, that our uderstanding of nature, so far advanced from where it stood just recently, has but barely begun, and that we remain, after all the centuries of striving, mired languishing in essential ignorance. But we cannot discount the enormous progress we have made and continue to make. Einstein had on his office wall in Princeton a single message. "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." There is a limit to th degree and extent to which to human mind can comprehend reality. We sense that we eill never reach the point of complete understanding of reality. But that should motiviate us to strive more for understanding, not less. Any God invented by the human mind - and all Gods are inventions of the huan mind, anthropomorphic impositions upon a world we cannot fully comprehend - who says otherwise isn't worth the paper his human imposed messages are printed on.

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