Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sticking With Trump, All Crimes Aside

AS LABOR DAY NEARS, Donald Trump, who never met an undocumented laborer he would neither employ nor refuse to pay, enjoys a commanding lead in the Republican race forthe presidential nomination. He stands or sits as just over fifty percent, with the other thirteen candidates arrayed modestly far behind. Florida book banning racism denying governor DeSantis is a distant second at fourteen percent, the rest spread out along the trail far to the rear. The more crimes Trump is formally accused of committing - ninety one so far - the greater his popularity among conservative evangelical Christians. The defiant, recalcitrant demographcic and voting block is solidly in his corner,harboring the strange misapperhension that Trump is somehow a valiant oppoent of the "etablishment", a man of the little man, rather than what he truly is; a fringe establishment member whose rejecion by America's wealthy elite establishment inspired him to pursue a political career as an angry, mud slinging, pseudo populist, mistrustful of and hateful towards all established sources of expertise and authority. Anger is what binds Trump to his political support base, anger at the encroaching community of color. We witness the slow, painful death of white male heterosexual Christian male privilege, and its angry backlash, personified by Trump, empowered by tens of millions ofoutraged barely closeted white supremacists. Mobs of dark skinned foreigners, gay people, and liberal women are storming the gates, demanding the unthinkable; access to power, legal and social equality. The great wall of Trump is only imaginary, but is intended to keep out more than merely Mexicans. Shock and disgust at the support within the Republican party for Trump need be no greater than for the facts that a majority of registered Republicans still insist that the election was stolen,a nd that the insurrection of 1-6-21 was justified, and would have succeeded in a more perfect world. The party of attempted presidential theft and insurrection against the United States governmentremainsa mojor forece in American politics, incredibly. They would burn down the country to rule over the ashes, as the proverb goes. His (Trump's) evangelical Christian base firmly believes that Trump was sent by Almighty God to right all wrongs, by which they mean to eliminate any and all veestiges of cooperative,compassionate economics in America, (socialism) for the elevation of neoliberal capitalism to the status of the divinely ordained, the restoration of the white male patriarchy, and to win for Christ the imaginary war against Christianity. They would be humorous were they not in such deadly earnest, instead they are evil in a pathetic sort of way, and though they may sanctimoniously believe that theirs is a crusade of righteous heavenly godly virtue with Trump their leader in Christ, they are in fact influenced by an entity widely believed to reside in an altogether different realm. ,

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