Sunday, August 27, 2023

Calling out the Heretics

OF THE MORE THAN FIVE THOUSABD ESSAYS and counting thus far published on this website, it sometimes seems as if a full half of them have been concerned with either Donald Trump,or the evangelical conservtive Christian community, which forms the base of Donald Trump's support. Se be it. The world determines essay content more often than essay content determines the world. Every esaay shus published has been highly, negatively critical of both Trump and the politically conservative evangelical community which largely supports him. In this essay, that will not change. The thrust of the criticism has been political; that political conservatism is antithetical to the actdual message of Jesus Christ,and that true Chritians should be politically liberal. That belief also remains intact. What is new here is the contribution of journalist Chris Hedges. Hedges is a prominant journalist with many books to his credit. He is far left leaning, or if not "far left" then certainly progressive, and he has a doctorate in divintiy from the Harvard school of divinity, which is the oldest and most prestigious theological seminary in the United States. What Hedges recently said is that conservative, Trump supporting evangelical Christians are heretics, plain and simple. After taking about a nano second to think about it, I fully agree. Heretofore I have unreservedly, unpleasantly regarded them as traitors, and worse,(if there is worse), for their post insurrection support of Trump. I have cacepted their claims to be "Christians" without objection, never questioning their devotion to or zealotry for their chosen faith. Dogmatic,unflappable Christians, yes, actual followers of the actual message ofJesus of Nazareth, not so much. But, above all else, political reprobates, Christian or not, being far right followers of Donald Trump, a demonstrable political and personal reprobate of the first order. Hedges, you'll have to acknowledge even if you don't want to, knows a thing or three about the Bible, having graduated with a doctorate from harvard divinity. Actually, he knows it cover to cover in several languages, including the original, and can prove it. If you don't, you don't graduate. Hedges, flinging the "H" word at Christian Trumpers! Although I, unlike Chris Hedges, am hardly qualified to say who is and who isn't a heretic, I sure as hell know the difference between "render unto Caesar" and the TEA party, and the difference between "give unto the poor" and the gospel of wealth, circa Joel Osteen. To me these folks have always seemed like religious hypocrites and political reprobates, traitors, but I have left it at that. But, heretics? Wow. My nano second of quiet deep reflection was enough to persuade me; Hedges is on to something; and I'm good to go. Heretics they are, on good authority! Hedges still ministers, to prison inmates and the homeless, if memory serves; just the sort of people Jesus himself went among...correct? The conservative Trump-loving evangelcial Christian community is decidely white, middle to upper middle class, firmly convinced of their own virtue. They don't need more Jesus;they already have him; just ask them. But Chris Hedges tends to hang out with and minister unto precisely the sort of people with whom we are told in the gospels that Jesus walked with and talked to, and as far as references go, one could certainly do worse.

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