Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Defending the Indefensible, Supporting the Unsupportable

THE MORE INDEFENSIBLE IT BECOMES to defend and support Donald Trump, the more his supporters defend and support him. Nobody should be surprised by this; everybody should be shocked and amazed. In the possible event that Trump gets elected, becomes a dictator with Republican congressional approval, then ends up destroying his administration amid an avalanche of dictatorial crime,national economic collapse,and destructive foreign wars, ends up barricaded in the White House and ultimately commits suicide while the house burns down, it is easy to imagine his adoring supporters all across the fruited plain, blaming Democrats, the news media,and roaming the streets of America in well armed violent mobs, seeking retribution, waving flags which proudly proclaim "MAGA forever". There will instead likely come a time when current Trump supporters will, for the sake of their personal integrity and self esteem, have to come to terms with their inexplicably prolonged support of an indisputable criminal. Their only alternative is to broaden and deepen their delusional alternative versions of reality, and take them with them to their graves. They are in a trap,and they alone must decide how to escape it. Their choice may well be to escape it only when they die, by dieing. This they may indeed be quite willing to do. There are rumors circulating that the so called "freedom caucus",an organization of the farthest of the far right in Congress, is planning to refuse to govern unless all charges against Trump, all four indictments, all ninety one felony charges, are dropped. They are willing to descend the nation into anarchical chaos in defense of their beloved leader. Pure political blackmail, fascism in its most despicible form. People are saying that it is impossible to reason with Trump supporters. It is, but it is not impossible to make very brief, brutally honest, impossible to refute and damning remarks to them, and to leave them alone to do with them whatever they choose. They will hear the remarks,and will think about them, if nothing else, even if they pretend otherwise. Examples:Nobody in Congress has the power to force a grand jury to rescind an indictment,or a prosecutor to drop charges. All wtnesses who have testified against Trump to the various grand juries are Republicans, Trump supporters. Many of Trump's crimes, and the crimes of his co defendants, are recorded on audio and video, and have been heard and seen by thousands, indeed millions of people. Simply state any of these facts, whether or not you state them in context with what the Trump lover is raving about. Do not respond to any hollow,angry protestations or nonsense. Show no anger or emotion. And, as that horrible cliche goes, let these facts sink in, for they inevitably will, even if the person who hears them tries hard to ignore them, or to pretend that the facts are not facts, or were not stated. You will never know that you have won the argument, because there will be no argument, and because no Trump supporter will acknowledge defeat while you are in the room. But that isn't what is important.

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