Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fighting the Inevitable

IN THE ONGOING BATTLE between Obama and the republicans, Obama appears to have a bit of an advantage, because now the republicans are offering to do what Obama wants them to do - sort of - for six weeks, and not a moment longer. That's a concession, albeit not a large one. Both Obama and the republicans are descending towards the bottom of the opinion polls, but the republicans are doing so considerably faster, and will, at the present rate, reach ground zero well before the president. That means they will have to eventually surrender entirely their damand to destroy Obamacare, rather than merely delay it for six weeks. Good fighters never go down easy. There has not yet been any vote in congress concerning whether to accede to Obama's wishes, because such a vote would most likely result in Obama getting his way, and that would be a great disaster for the small group which is fighting a losing battle to tear assunder what Obama hath created, it would reveal their political weakness, the limitations of their ability to control events. Thus,a small group of malcontents is, for the moment, holding the process of democracy hostage. In a democracy, it is fortunate that there can be mechanisms built in whereby even minorities can make their opinions known, and such a mechanism is on display in congress. By the same token, at what point does a minority, any minority, finally accept the fact that since the majority is opposed to them, they will eventually have to live in a world in which their minority views are heard, but not implemented? When does reality set in? In America, the usual asnwer is; later rather than sooner. Nobody ever talks about eliminating medicare, medicaid, or social security anymore, and once upon a time some people indeed did. But they finally gave up, as opponents to socialized health insurance will some day give up, and instead of trying to eliminate it, will focus instead on trying to sneak in as many fre market compononts as possible. But it looks like we are not going to invest our social security money in the stock market, turn medicare into a voucher system, or repeal Obamacare. Before long, everyone will accept this. In the meantime, the fight, whose outcome is inevitable, continues.

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