Tuesday, May 1, 2012

National Reason and Prayer Day

Here we go again. There is a group which wants to have a "national day of prayer". Its actually a fairly large group, has been around a long time, and includes mostly christians, of course. in fact, chances are that most of the christian majority in this country would like to have a national day of prayer, enacted into law by congress, observed throughout the land.

then there's the guy, or group, who wants to have a "national day of reason", presumably to balance, or possibly to replace, the national prayer day. it may be that the national atheist organization, and yes, there is such a thing, is behind this. There are many atheists among us, thank god.

undoubtedly anybody who wants one of the two does not want the other. Isn't that the modern american way? divide and conquer? fight because you're right! never compromise!

A good guess is that most americans believe that a day of prayer and a day of reason rule each other out; most people who strongly favor one or the other probably  believe it must be one or the other. They are being presented as irreconcilably conflicting opposites by each other, and by the media, which is unnecessary rubbish.

Why not have both, on the same day? call it national  prayer and reason day, or "PR Day". Indeed, why NOT behave in an open minded, inclusive manner? Wouldn't that be different?

prayer and reason need not exclude each other. any intelligent christian recognizes the value of god given reason. and people who truly engage in intelligent reasoning are usually, or should be, open minded enough to accept prayer as a beneficial human experience, regardless of religious beliefs.

would a national day of prayer enacted by congress be unconstitutional against the first amendment? reason certainly wouldn't be; maybe prayer could just tag along for the ride.



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