WHEN i was about ten, my father, who was, incredibly, as weird as i am, got himself a pet racoon, and named him "Tommy". Evidently the little critter was just wondering around the property, and dad fed and befriended him, and the rest is history.
My father and tommy went everywhere together; tommy rode on the dashboard, and on dad's shoulder. tommy attracted a lot of human attention by so doing.
I remember tommy; he was beautiful, like all racoons, and sweet, and friendly. I think I remember patting him. But it didn't last long. Soon enough tommy went about his business, which, evidently, consisted of living a wild and independent life in a joplin, missouri residential neighborhood.
perhaps tommy dug around in human trash; that's what racoons do, all over the world, as they cohabitate human cities, large and small, in large numbers, as well as wilderness. recently i stepped out on my front porch in the middle of the night, and there sottd/sat a big armadillo. it looked straight at me, but didn't budge. I did, straight back into the house. they aint even supposed to be this far north...
they (racoons) seem to prefer human cities to wilderness, and why not? better source of food. easier life. humans could probably start befriending racoons in a big way, all over the world, and have another dog-like companion species, if we wanted to. so far, we haven't wanted to. stay tuned. cultural values change.
animals are everywhere, all kinds of animals, living among us humans, in cities large and small, and in all rural areas in even greater abundance. the animal kingdon has not surrendered anything to home sapiens. they merely dwell among us; unknown to us. racoons, rats, squirrels, dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys, snakes, armidillos, moles, mice, birds, cockroaches; the list is endless, this is a shared planet.
no matter what city you live in, or what town, the animals are neraby, but out of sight, by their choice. we only see the occasional road kill, the robin here, the squirrel there. at this very moment you are within ten feet of a rat. believe me. of the teeming abandunce of life next to you, yo see hardly any of it.
same thing with UFOs and extraterrestrial aliens. they are every where, all over the universe, including earth. they're here. all right, only we don't see them, often. why not? same reason you don't see racoons rates and mice; becuse they don't want you to. they hide from us, deliberately.
we tend to see them when they want us to, like, when they flew over christopher columbus's ship, and he wrote about them in his seldom read journal. or like when they drag race with trans continental jet aircraft and are seen by sober minded japanese pilots, or when they buzz around at night, seen by sober minded police officers, world wide.
we now know that in our immediate neighborhood in the milky way galaxy there are hundreds of nice, habitable planets. some of them, if not most or all of them, harbor life, and some of that life is undoubtedly quite advanced compared to our primitive selves.
they put on quite a show for the U.S.S. aircraft carrier Roosevelt, so we are told, by those who served aboard her. OH , the aliens are out there, and over here, and in a lot of differenct places, just like the rest of us, just like the racoons. welcome to our teeming universe!
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