...the other day in the united states house of representatives speaker boehner stood up, spread his hands far apart in exasperation, and exclaimed "do we have to fight over everything?!"
Good question, I thought. I was asking it years ago. what took you so long?
surely everybody in america has noticed the constant bickering, and is tired of it. we argue all the time here, because we are, after all, a democracy, and because we have forgotton how to listen, and how to be open minded and non confrontational.
...wouldn't it be marvelous to turn on conservative talk radio and hear somebody talking about conservatism?
what would it be like to have a telephone conversation in which the participants took turns talking?
Does anybody in this country ever talk about anything other than themselves?
the united states of alpha males is a culture in which everyone feels empowered, and perhaps, a bit arrogant. we all have to be right, all the time. this is human nature as much as american nature...we all wish to impose our beliefs on others, whether we admit it ot not.
that's human nature, and human nature should not always be left alone, and allowed to flourish as is. humans are capable of using their big brains to change their very nature, and some of it needs to be changed. maybe our descendants will have no inclination towards violence. the violence gene might be nudged aside through high tech organic chemistry.
for now, though, if we humans aren't actually killing each other, we're yelling at each other, in america, and probably everywhere else. we're still primitive, and fear and anger arise from our medula oblongata lizard brain stem. deep down, we are lizards, and we act like it.
...but give us a little more time, and we're likely to change all that...
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