Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Come Together

We need to come together. All of us. Ronald Reagan once remarked to Michael Gorbachev that if alien beings came to earth and threatened the human race, the human race would quickly put aside all its numerous differences, and unite at once, as one.

How true. Reagan was right on the mark with that remark. Leave it to an actor to summon a cinematic scenario to illustrate a point.

Well, why don't we just pretend that aliens are suddenly threatening us, and unite, all of us, to make this a better world? There is so much we could do, we the human race, if we would just work together, if we would just try. Together, all of us, we could change the world.

I've already started to try. I no longer attack conservatives. When Reagan was president I attacked him, verbally, incessantly. I don't do that anymore, to anyone, or about anything.

Or at least, I try hard not to. Its difficult. The Natural instinct is to argue hard with people with whom you disagree, to attack them personally.  The aggressive, defensive, human impulse.

But I got tired of listening to myself spew negativity, so I quit.The term "Truthless Reconciler" is intended to mean that this website does not claim to have the truth, only to want it, and attempts to openmimdedly bring together, or reconcile, all points of view, however divergent.

All my liberal friends attack conservatives mercilessly, and expect me to. What I want to do is listen to conservatives, and understand their point of view. Is that so horrible? Its lonely being a Limbaugh Liberal. Help me, Rush.

In america, what are called "liberalism" and "conservatism" are not as different and mutually exclusive as americans seem to think. IN fact, they can be brought together, reconciled, rather easily. They can be viewed as complimentary, not contradictory.

Anyone who constantly attacks one view or the other is merely seeking attention, and venting personal anger. Similarly, anyone who is neither a christian nor a moslem can see that the two religions are reconcilable, but their adherants, who are the ones who need to see this, don't.

Human nature to the contrary, there is no law of nature which says that homo sapiens must live with a constant threat of war, violence, and poverty.  Cooperation is as much a part of human nature as competition. We need to come together.

Please scroll down for the other articles in today's issue of The Truthless Reconciler.Thanks!

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