Sunday, April 15, 2012


You can usually find flaws in those people, places, and things that you like and admire overall.  President Obama is not loved unconditionally among liberals, because obama has done what all politicians end up doing; he has moved to the middle, trying to be all things to all people, trying to please everyone, and entirely pleasing no one.

Three areas come to mind: education, the space program, and the war on drugs.

The Obama administration has essentiallly embraced the "No Child Left Behind" program of the Bush administration, adding the phrase "Race to the Top". (catchy, isn't it?)  It fundamentally involves standardized testing of everyone in america followed by the almighty federal government declaring every student, public, school, and for all we know every U.S. citizen - either a "failure" or a "success".

After nearly a decade of this bureaucratic top heavy nonsense there is no indication that it has any positive benefit.  Tx Trumbo, a veteran high school teacher in a large midwestern public school, and author of an insightful book entitled "Who's the Teacher Now?"  says he is sick and tired of his healthy, productive students and school constantly being labeled as "failures" by a distant governemnt whose bureaucrats have doubtless never set foot inside a school. Its hard to blame him. Obama should end this nonsense, instead he supports it.

Obama has drastically gutted the space program budget of NASA, particularly all  the ambitious and exciting plans we had for exploring and establising a permanent colony on Mars. This is disastrous, because if there is anything humanity should be doing, its exploring and developing space. It may be our only hope of survival.

An enormous, ambitious space program could be funded for only a fraction of the money the United States spends on its military-industrial-corporate-worldwide-empire. With regard to space exploration, Newt Gingrich is the best candidate. Newt promised a base on the moon if elected president, and the other candidates made fun of him. It may be that the american people are not inspired by space exploration, as they were in the nineteen sixties. That's unfortunate.

The "War on Drugs" is the greatest farce of all, a complete hoax, a pretext, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, hopeless, worthless. It has been useless since Nixon started it 40 years ago, and Nancy Reagan piled on and joined the pious bandwagon a bit later.  Obama said "legalization is not the answer". He's dead wrong, as wrong as wrong can be. Wm. F. Buckley, a true conservative, favored legalazation; he was right.

I remember listening to a presentation by NORML in 1975, how much sense they made, and assuming that within a few years marijuana would be legal, and the fuss and mess would end. I never would have dreamed that nearly forty years later the process would be so little advanced. Maybe the next president will see the obvious: prohibition does not work.

According to Abraham Lincoln:

"Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason, in that it attempts to control a man's appetites by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. Prohibition strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our republic was founded."

If Lincoln were still president, we wouldn't have this mess.

by Bb


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