Thursday, February 28, 2013

Free To Choose!

AS IF WE DON'T ALREADY have enough issues and problems to ponder, now we are presented, by the good graces of our great american media, and our confusing culture, the confusing situation wherein a small child proclaims herself a female, even though there are physical indications of maleness, and the american public, or at least the school district in colorado where she is trying to attend school, insists on treating her as a male. Go figure.

Are we such a regimented type A control freak society here in america that we can't even allow a girl to be a girl? Seemingly, but let us hope not.

The parents actually treated their shild as a male for the first several years, due to the genitalic maleness. However, increasingly, the child announced herself to be a girl, with increased vigor and determination, and both parents now say that they came around to her way of thinking.

The parents say that anyone who spends five minutes with their child can tell she is a girl. Quite frankly, the pictures of her face clearly show a girl, even though among six year olds there is a certain lack of obvious gender differentiation facially.

so what's the school district going to do? Keep forcing her to use the boy's restroom until she becomes emotionally traumatized, and the parents are forced to file a  lawsuit?  Or maybe accede to the parent's, and the little girl's wishes, allow her to live like a girl at school, then start a lawsuit of their own, and drag pictures of her naked into a federal courtroom?

There are many public school administrators in this country who are perfectly capable of something so pernicious, trust me.

This is america, by god, and anybody can become whatever they choose. Individual freedom of choice. That's what my ancestors, and thousands of great americans have fought and died for.

Every week in the united states several people have surgical procedures which change their gender, hence the growing "transgender" movenet. Its the next big battleground, socially. One can scarcely imagine what weapons the christian conservatives are preparing to launch against this sweet little girl, her parents, and everyone else like her.

Well, bring it. We'll be ready, using the sacred american creed "freedom" as our weapon.

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