Thursday, February 7, 2013

Killing Yourself For Freedom

AN UNUSUALLY HIGH number of tibetians have been committing suicide lately, and this has the government in beijing very upset. Ostensibly, the upset is an expression of compassion and concern for the well being of good chinese citizens.

The real reason for the concern is that the immolations, usually involving gasoline, fire, and a match, just plain old make china look bad before the whole world, because we all know damned good and well why all these tibetians are killing themselves.

They've been doing it for the same reason since nineteen fifty nine: they are protesting and mourning the conquest and destruction of their beautiful and beloved country at the hands of the chinese imperialist invaders.

The chinese government has balways used the same lame excuses all conquering tyrannts use: the land is naturally part of china, tibet is an historical chinese province, they are better off, all the standard bullshit.

And get this. The chinese government is blaming the Voice of America for the suicide spree. The V o A, as you may or may not know, is one of america's propaganda radio tranmissions which for decades imperialist america has used to try to influence the people of other countries, usually countries with governments with whom the united states does not get along well.

ONE of my family  members worked for V o A for years, trying to talk the cuban people into rising up and getting rid of castro. It never worked, but, oh well, good try. And i don't doubt for a moment that the V o A has been radioing anti chines propaganda into tibet, urging resistence to beijing.

THE V o A is a real trouble making rascal, that bunch. But it sure as hell did not invade, conquer, and govern tibet with an iron hand since nineteen fifty nine, destroying the tibetian buddhist culture in so doing.

Freeing Tibet would almost be worth making war on china, as would freeing taiwan when china finally decides to move across the water and conquer it, which they most assuredly will, and probably within the foreseeable future.

but there will never be any war for tibetian independence, or taiwanian independence. The chinese military is too big to conetend with. teh unitee states is toopoor, and disunited. And, after all, the american people have never given a fig about the freedom of people beyond american borders.

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