Sunday, November 3, 2013

Punishing the TEA Party

AN ANONYMOUS SOURCE, requesting anonymity on the grounds that failing to do so would most likely result in his or her untimely demise at the hands of the federal government, is claiming that the Internal Revenue Service has been targeting not only tax exempt conservative and tea party "public service" organizations, but also individuals who belong to those political action committees (PACS). The IRS seems to hold a grudge against right wing political fanatics who gang up and pose as public service organizations simply to avoid paying taxes. By auditing the members of such groups, on an individaul by individual basis, the IRS feels that its basic purpose can be achieved, legally, for a change. That purpose is to confiscate as much tax payer money as possible from the American people, and to punish ultra conservatives for dodging taxation. A spokeshuman for the IRS denied all such allegations, insisting that the fact that every person in the U.S. currently being audited by the IRS happens to be an ultra consrvative TEA party republican is purely coincidental. The anonymous source making the accusations against the IRS and providing this information claims to be a former employee of the Internal Revenue Service, and an active member of the TEA party, the Republican party, the John Birch society, the Klan, and the Rush Limbaugh Fan Club. The TEA party advocates eliminating all entitlement programs, and reducing or eliminating taxes on the wealthy. It also favors the defunding of public schools, and forcing God, the Christian God, back into public schools. Surveys indicate that approximately one percent of the American people take the TEA party seriously, but about ten percent belong to it.

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