Saturday, November 30, 2013

Rearming America, Again, and Forever

TRICKLE DOWN INFORMATION is coming from the American military industrial complex, through the mainstream conservative American media,to the American people, to the following effect: American military readiness is currently being seriously jeopardized by the new federal budget cuts which we all quaintly call the "sequestor". The military has a very systematic system for measuring its own readiness to defend country and implement foreign policy, or whatever else the military does. It all boils down to training and equipment maintenance, both of which are allegedly sorely lacking at present. Standard American military policy is that the United States must be perpetually prepared to fight total war; multiple wars, or total world war. Must be ready at all times to do this. The only distinction between this perpetual state of readiness and actual warfare is the actual destroying of enemy human and material resources. IN effect, the United States is in a perpetual state of war, and has been, ever since Pearl Harobr The National Security Act of 1948, signed by President Harry Truman, a true war monger, spelled out the necessity of constant war preparedness, and the evils of peactime disarmament. Peacetime disarmament was the American norm before World War Two; it has proven to be considerably less expensive. You're almost tempted to think "what the hell, why not save some money, stop being so paranoid an,, defensive, and aggressive, and cut back on the military a bit unless some foreign army is camped out in the lower forty eight?" But no, that would never do, we must be bristeling with weapons at all times, and practicing, always practicing. Sending those billions of dollars from the poor working Americans to the politicians, who then fulfill their campaign promises to ccorporate campaign contributors by using tax payer money to purchase massive amounts of weapons from the corporations. And to justify that, you gotta convince the American people that an enemy is forever and eternally lurking at the gate. You gotta scare the hell outta the American people, as Senator Vandenberg said to President Truman right before the country decided to rearm permanently in the late 1940s. Permanent maximum armament, and permanent mediocrity in public education, infrastructure, health care, and living standard for the working class. And now, once again, we are being told that we must rearm. Choose our enemy, any will do.

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