Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Needing More of Both; Pope Francis, the Born Again Socialist

POPE FRANCIS IS A BIT of a mystery. Not long before he became pope, he was interviewed by American leftist Chris Mathews, and he sounded for all the world like a card carrying capitalist. Government control of the economy is tyranny, that sort of thing. Now, in his first big statement as pope he talks like a card carrying socialist, emphasizing repeatedly the importance of economic equality. Economic equality has nothing in the world to do with capitalism. The free market, left free, produces huge inequaltiy. Doesn't the Pope understand that economic equality will require government involevment in, government control of the economy, to at least a certain point, because in a free market, economic inequality, growing ever greater, will create, in the long run, even more economic inequality than we have now, which is considerable. Pope Francis is living as if he is a non materialistic, socialistic pope, living in a modest apartment, and kicking out a Cardinal because the Cardinal was living like a king; to wit, very materialistically. The Pope made reference in his eighty four page essay to the evils of unbridled free enterprise and corporate capitalism, which results in ever greater concentrations of wealth, and ever greater levels of poverty. He excoriated the love of money, the culture of materialism in his papal bull.So where exactly does our papal father stand economically, in favor of the freedom to be grotesquely unequal, or in favor of cooperative equality? Whereas previously he seemed to blame poverty on a lack of capitalism, now he seems to blame it on a lack of socialism. Can he have it both ways? Sure! Which is the real Pope Fraqncis? A visionary who appreciates the value of both capitalism and socialism? We need more of both, perhaps. We need more wealth producing corporations, and we need for those new corporations to distribute the wealth they produce a bit more equally than the old ones do.

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