Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Doing Good, For A Change, USMC Style

THERE COMES A TIME FOR good old fashioned military efficiency, a time for getting things done, a time to kick some butt. Now is such a time, in the Phillipines; Send in the Marines! That's right, the Marines, as in USMC. Semper fidelis! As if the United States of America were merely invading, ho hum, yet another country, only this time, it will be a bit different. Let the Marines wade ashore with tons of equipment and supplies, and establish outposts all over the islands, in places where it is needed, after conducting extensive aerial reconnaissance to determine the best palce for setting up aid stations. And keep the civilians out of it. Keep out the bureaucrats, administrators, all the paper pushers. Keep the politicians, looking for publicity, far away. The Marine Chief of Staff can report directly to the U.S. president, and the U.S. president can report directly to the rest of the world. Up and down the chain of command, the United States Marine Corps, with its unique ability to operate at full strength on the sea and on the land, is the perfect answer to this nightmare. Get the money and the supplies supplies from the mainland to Hawaii, then, on to the Phillipines, poste haste, semper fi. The beauty of this arrangement would be that it would represent, in small measure, a down payment on the great debt of humanitarian assistance long owed by the American Empire to the people of the Phillipines. The mere fact that the islands are named after a European monarch is reason enough to let the United States lead an avalanche of help from the western world. Let's pool our money, get the fresh water, food, and toilet paper to the islands, get everybody medicated and bandaged, get the mess cleaned up, and the economy back up and running - then, us Americans - let's leave, quietly. By any and all means, this time, let's just leave. We don't need to convert anybody to our religion, or our economic or political system. Haven't we done enough of that aready? Besides, there'll be time enough for more of that later. We've already done more than enough harmful meddling in these islands for over a century now. Now is the time to do some good, and then leave, for a change.

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