Saturday, November 9, 2013

Trying One, Or the Other, For Once

BY NOW WE AMERICANS JUST ABOUT ALL AGREE that our president lied to us about whether people would lose their existing health insurance under Obamacare. Whether he did so intentionally may never be known; its hard to believe that he did, and hard to believe that he didn't. The whole situtaion is simply hard to believe. But one simple fact seems to be getting lost amid all the excitement. The fact is, no insurance company was forced to drop anybody's coverage because of Obamacare. In every case where someone's policy was cancelled when Obamacare took effect,it was a decision made by a large corporation which could have decided otherwise. Obamacare merely requires that all health insurance meet basic, reasonable standards of coverage. Any provider not in compliance could either cancel sub standard policies - or improve them to meet the new government standards, either by increasing the policy price, or by offering better coverage at the same price. This would at least have given the customers a choice in the matter; but customer choice seems to be of less interest to our conspiratorial private insurance companies than it is to the government, far less. Anyone wanting to blame Obama for losing health coverage is perfectly free to blame Obama, but the blame really goes to the providers, who made their choice. They had a choice, and they made it. Why? Because they would rather create a controversy about Obamacre and make Obama look bad than keep their customers by improving their coverage. There can be no other explanation. Without Obamacare, what we have, what we had before Obamacare, was a very small group of insurance providers in a conspiracy to cooperate with each other, rather than to competion with each other, as required by the laws of free enterprise. We have never had either capitalistic or socialistic health insurance in America. It might be nice to try one, or the other.

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