MR ROMNEY, U.S. G.O.P. Pres Cand.,has dropped in the polls considerably since the revelation of his elitist condescending sounding remark concerning half the country, the poorer half, thinking themselves victims. Yet he still doesn't seem to get it. He doesn't even seem to be anywhere close to getting it.
And even though we all, to a certain extent, are indeed victims, victims of our environment as well as our heredity, poor people, disabled people, people on social security do not tend to see themselves as victims any more than mitt's rich friends.
The term "mitt's rich friends" is intended as neither insult nor slander. Mitt's friends are indeed wealthy, generally, which is, of course, perfectly sensible and acceptable, from mitt's viewpoint.
By insulting half the country with an untrue accusation, mitt may have done himself irreversible political damage. Obama has a lead now which no incumbant president has never squandered.
Amazingly, mitt stands staunchly behind his remarks, which is probably hurting himself even more. While in florida, among the senior retirees, he becomes the great champion of medicare, which romney undoubtedly has spent the majority of his life belittling and despising.
After all, medicare is nothing other than redistribution of wealth, which is the worst possible sin among wealthy conservatives, because it deprives the wealthy of much needed investment capital, and makes dependant poor people into the victims he so disdains.
Just what do romney and people like him mean by the term "redistribution of wealth"? Progressive taxation, and programs for the poor and sick and elderly. That's what he means. Let people keep what they earn, all that they earn, and let people fend for themselves is what he means.
Mitt continues to reveal that he simply hasn't been out and around very much, among ordinary non millionaires. His chances of getting elected would be much greater if america were full of wealthy people with inherited wealth.
That it is not may well be his downfall.
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