TODAY IS A GREAT DAY to attack the united states, if anyone is so inclined. just thought you might like the heads up. The entire american army is on "stand down", ignoring all regularly previously scheduled activities in order to spend the day undergoing suicide prevention education.
Yes, its come to that. So many members of the american military, about one every day, are committing suicide that the chain of command finally saw fit to do something about it, or at least try, or at least appear to try.
the process involves the entire chain of command. Barrack Hussein Obama, in the oval office, sitting on the floor in a circle with about ten other people including michelle and the girls, shoes off, lotus position, chanting "I am a child of the universe, I have a right to be here." Learning how to avoid killing oneself.
The american military is learning how to survive against itself, which is apparently its biggest threat. The iranian people, the islamic people, the north korean people, they have no interest in attacking america, notwithstanding some wayward and belligerent spokespeople. El Quada is a small group of fanatical thugs who are unpolular in their own countries. america has few, if any natural external enemies.
For several decades we the american people were lectured, coerced, browbeaten into accepting the russians as our bitter enemies to the death. Somehow, it never really seemed natural, or normal, and it was hard for we the peeps to really sink our teeth into it. That's because it was a hoax. But, we tried. We curled beneath our desks at school and played make believe every time the bomb alarm went off, which was often.
So its not that the american corporate oligarchial government doesn't try to make enemies for us, with which to stimulate our economy, its just that they aren't always very good at it.
So, we turn inward, against the only thing we have left; ourselves.The suicide rate among the general civilian population is nothing to sneeze either, not as high as sweden, but not too terribly far behind. We, as citizens of the united states, and potential members of the american military, must all learn how to survive against the worst enemy of all, the self.
Then too, of course, we have the ones running around killing others, the random mass murders to which we have become so accustomed. Our national real life drug of choice, violence. The rest of us just sit by, and watch the carnage. WE pay good money to see it.
If we americans could stop killing ourselves, and each other, and people in other countries, we might have more time to sit back, and watch a good ultimate fight or football game on cable.
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