Sunday, September 9, 2012

Generational Conflict Interests

THE A.A.R.P., aka the american association for the advancement and activism of retired people, (leave out whichever two "A's" you wish) does not reqire that you actually be retired in order to join, it only reqires that you be at least fifty years old, and pay modest annual dues.

In that sense, it is not actually an organization of retired people, as its name implies, but rather, sort of a national "over fifty" club, which is certainly all well and good, though one might wonder why it doesn't simply call itself the american association of people over fifty, or some such.

Or why doesn't it slowly lower its minimum age, and eventually be all inclusive? After all, it basically is an organization of old peole, isn't it, and don't most of us consider ourselves old, no matter our actual age? Poeple turning eighteen ,thirty, forty, or fifty all scream about getting old. And they are all quite correct.

Conservatives are often displeased with AARP, because many of the things it stands for are considered liberal. For instance, AARP is staunchly opposed to privatizing social security or medicare. Because of this, a conservative version of the AARP is taking form, which should be interesting. AARP has long had a monopoly in the field of old age organizing, and will now perhaps have to face competition.

A conservative version of AARP might attract a fair number of affluent senior citizens, but most senior citizens are not affluent, even though this population category does indeed possess most of the national wealth. One need not be wealthy to belong to AARP, and liberal policies would seem to better the interests of the lower income folks.

Over the next decade the percentage of the nation's and world's population which is past retirement age will be greatly increasing, and the oldsters will be wanting to safeguard their interests, their position within a society greatly geared to youth. And the youth will resist taking on the burden...

AARP will defend guaranteed social security for the old, but not the young. youth, beware your elders, they mean to cheat and decieve you into paying for their excesses...


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