Sunday, September 2, 2012

Keeping Our Heads

RUGGED COWBOY in a pickup truck notices a bright light in the sky, as he drives adown a dirt road out in the middle of a huge area of pasture, tall grass, which goes on forever. The sky seems big, the horizon far away. No trees. The bright light fades away, but unless he was imagining things, a steer was floating through the air, briefly, beneath the light.

The next day the same cowboy drives down the same dirt road, and notices a dead cow not far from the dirt road. The body has been carved up, incredibly precisely, internal organs missing, no tract of bloo anywhere, all incisions precise, professional, beyond professional.

Everybody he tells this to either dissmisses it, laughs about it right in front of him, or gives him one of those "that's nice, buddy" kind of reactions. He soons learns to shut up about it, to safeguard his reputation, or at least to avoid creating a bad one. For now on, he just keeps it to himself.

This basic scenario happens thousands of times each year all over the world. The loss from herds of cattle is not drastic, but every animal costs money, and is worth money, so cattle ranchers keep a pretty close eye on their herds, as they expect their hired hands to do, and they don't like losses.

Sober, serious, sensible successful cattle ranchers almost to a man have had an experience like this. Whenever a big landowing rancher, with generations and decades of experience behind him, stats telling stories like this, its usually taken a bit more seriously, but not much.

Whether its a wild eighteen year old cowboy or a local leading ranch owner talking, the audience becomes a bit uneasy, uncomforatble. People simply find it hard to believe this kind of stuff, which, unfortunately, does not seem to prevent it from happening, It merely prevents it from being talked about, or properly investigated.

The best evidence, of course, is that extraterrestrial aliens, technologically advanced way beyond humanity, are monitoring human activity and, so it seems, various life forms on this planet.Fascinated, perhaps, by not only humans themselves, but by the company they keep.

For all we know, dog and cat abduction and mutilation are the most common form of interaction of all; but we would never about it, would we...

People tend to have two disctinct contrasting views about extraterrestrial aliens on earth; they either believe it so fervantly that they accept it as a matter of fact, or they are utterly contemptuous and dismissive of it.

Where did good old fashioned open mindedness and scientific research go to? Not in america's institutions of higher learning; you can scarcely find a qualified scientist who is seriously investigating the matter. They fear to, if nothing else, because to do so is to be abandoned by the "mainstream respectable" scientific community.

Any real scientists wanting to investigate UFOs seriously must abandon his or her educational and professional roots, set up shop as an independent wayward celebrity, and hope for the best. Sometimes they get rich and famous, sometimes not. Its sometimes hard to tell the difference.

HUman beings are smart enough to figure out what is going on, vis a vis UFOs, for real. Why we don't just buckle down and do it is beyond comprehension.


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