Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gas Wars

THE PRICE OF GAS is very high right now in the U.S., as high or higher than its ever been, and this is great for the fuel (oil = fuel) companies, but terrible for the rest of us. Obviously, its been a problem, the price of gas, for a long time now, maybe since the first OPEC oil embargo in 1973.

Have you noticed that neither obama nor romney is saying very much about it? Its easy to understand why obama isn't. Quite simply, it makes him look bad. Right or wrong, incumbant presidents are reelected or turned out of office largely because of the economy, (stupid).

The current high price of gas tends to make obama look bad, so he ignores it, and tries to convince us that though the economy is worse than we want, and is recovering more slowly than a snail moves, its better than it was when he took office, and therefore, he should be reelected.

Romney's motives are not quite as plain. But please remember this: mitt romney is a corporate man, a man who buys, sells, and repairs corporations, and who believes that corporate america is the fundamental engine of the american economy. Mitt Romney believes in corporate profits, believes that they are a good thing, for everybody. (or so he says)

And the higher the price of gas, the higher corporate profits are, for the fuel companies, which people tend to mistakenly call "oil" companies. And, well, who knows who much money the huge fule companies have given to the Romney campaing, through the Political Action Committees, which, operate legally by calling themselves "charitable organizations", and concealing their monetary transactions.

The big fuel (oil)  companies, like Chevron, Exxon-Mobile, etc, calculate, based on theprice of oil, how much of a profit margin for their refined gasoline they can get,without losing business/customers/driving miles.. they are good at these calculations...

There was a time in america when there was real competition in the gasloine industry. They were called "gas wars", and anyone over the age of, say, fifty will remember them. One gas station in town would lower the price of gas by a penny, the one down the street would lower it by two pennies, and its off to the races. In the mid nineteen sixties, gas cost about nineteen cents a gallon, and it seemed cheap. It was cheap.

Back then oil was mined (drilled) in america, there was real competition in the oil/gas industry, and american drivers drove all over the place, just to kill time, unconcerned about burning gas. Oldsters, teenagers, everyone in america drove....all the time.

There's a lot of oil left in the ground. We might as well use it up, while we desperately, obsessively development other means of energy utilization. Our fuel (oil) companies do not competer against each other, because they don't have to. Instead they work together to get the price of their product as high as possible, to maximize profit.

This is not free enterprise, this is not capitalism. This is a monopoly, in effect. Corporate control and corporate tyranny over us, the masses. Let's have either capitalism in america, or socialism. But for heavens' sake let's not have corporate oligarchy. That's tyranny!


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