Thursday, February 2, 2012

American Escapism

Stress starts early in the day, and there is no let up until bedtime.The world is filled with danger, real and imagined, which places us in in a state of perpetual worry and stress.  The drive to work is a dangerous enterprise, especially with an American driver always within five feet of the rear bumper.

Money problems, job pressures, the possibility of ID theft or random violence...

December 21, 2012 is approaching, the volcanic ocean beneath Yellowstone is overdue for a huge eruption, the ocean level is rising, and will not reverse or stop, dooming all coastal civilization.

The weather is obviously quite different now, global warming seems evident,
economic collapse threatens, nuclear terrorism, viral epidemics seem..unavoidable.

So we all have a lot to worry about, so we tend to try to push it aside and focus on escaping, through constant entertainemnt. And since shrewd people understand that you can make a lot of money entertaining people who are determined to escape reality one way or another, behold american culture! The land of celebrity culture, where anyone who helps us forget about our lives is a great hero!

As long as this makes us all be it...But does it?

Wouldn't it be better if the world were a place from which we felt no desire to escape, but rather to embrace?  If we wanted to immerse ourselves in it, rather than run from it?

Please scroll down for the other articles in today's issue of The Truthless Reconciler! Thanks!

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