Monday, May 22, 2017

Saving Grace At Liberty University, and Winning Football Games

AT BAYLOR UNIVERSITY, the world's largest officially Baptist university, they just couldn't keep the lid on anymore, though they gave it all they had. The pressure was too great, too many young female students had been raped by too many christian football players. At long last, somebody stepped up and did the right thing, blew the whistle. Heads began to roll, belatedly. The bottom of the pyramid started to crumble first, as football players were kicked off the team, then the damage spread upward, and reached the top, despite the best efforts of the top brass to evade responsibility and keep their jobs and hefty salaries intact. The football coach was fired. The athletic director resigned, under pressure. However, the cloud has a silver lining, from the perspective of the Christian higher education community. American capitalism, college athletics, and evangelical Christianity is as potent a combination as any under heaven or in hell. Prayers and pocket books engender redemption and resurrection, souls are saved, profits are protected. Liberty University, home to the self proclaimed morally superior, the largest Christian University of any brand in the world, offers salvation to fallen athletic directors who have the promise of bringing winning football, and mega bucks, to the righteous. Former Baylor Athletic Director named to same post at Liberty U.! It is hoped that the formerly fallen suddenly reborn administrator will never again have to choose between casting a blind eye to sin for the sake of job security, or doing the right thing. Time, and presumably the Lord and the Devil, will tell. Liberty is a caring, forgiving institution, as long as one doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't swear, and gets home early from dates with one's virginity intact. So forgiving is Liberty U. that it has righteously embraced Donald Trump, having long ago, apparently, forgiven Trump for having gone a bit too far with a few too many women, and bragging about it. Trump's greatest claim to salvation is that he is not Hillary Clinton, and has therefore never committed the heinous sin of using his own email server instead of one provided by the government. That is itself will get you into heaven, and it doesn't hurt Trump's image among Christian conservatives that he resists rendering unto Caesar, abhors economic sharing and cooperation, and collects wealth more rapidly than he does trophy wives. Liberals are tolerant of homosexuality and transgenders, at whom stones were meant to be thrown, and one must not tolerate what one defines as sin; deviation from the norm, as defined by the Christian faith.

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