Friday, July 22, 2016

America's Poor, Adoring Donald Trump

WAY BACK IN 1972, when I was a wee lad of seventeen and the world was a whole lot simpler, presidential candidate George McGovern proposed something called a "guaranteed minimum income", for all Americans. He lost, of course. Incredibly, the republicans back then nearly pushed the idea through, and Nixon supported it, but the democrats, apparently brain dead, nickel and dimed it to death, and stopped it. Richard Nixon also favored government health care for all, but Watergate got in the way. Back in the day, there actually existed southern conservative democrats and liberal Northeastern republicans. Those days are gone. The wealthy elite squelched the guaranteed annual income idea then, and now it is resurfacing as something called "universal basic income", which either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump could, if they chose, roll out in a heartbeat. Once again, our wealthy elite corporate masters can be counted to squelch, unless the teeming masses, led by a few courageous powerful political leaders, overcome the wealthy elite. Bernie and Hillary might well push it into the democratic party platform next week. Everybody, including the wealthy would receive the payments, to be fair, and it would stimulate the economy immediately, creating more discretionary consumers, jolting demand for goods and services upward, creating new businesses in response to the new demand, and new jobs. Conservatives, be warned: Donald Trump is no conservative, he has no political ideology, no core values, other that pro-Trump. He already has the fame, the women, and the money, all he needs now is power, and the love of the teeming masses, both of which are easily within his impressive, ambitious, love craving grasp. If Trump gets elected, then starts advocating for the poor in a fit of popularity mongering, just you watch the republican conservative establishment wail and gnash. They hate "big government", meaning, they hate helping poor people, those wealthy conservatives, and their hatred of the poor. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone in America had enough to eat suddenly, courtesy President Donald Trump? Oh, how der Donald would adore that phenomenon.

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