Seeking truth through diverse,openminded expression,explaining america to the world
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Removing Putin and Trump
SOMEONE ON FACEBOOK announced, as if it were a matter of fact written in stone, that President Trump has issued an ultimatum to Volodimir Zelenskyy that the Ukrainian president must either apologize to Trump on natonal or world television, or the United States would cease and desiste with all further military aid, and maybe all aid, to Ukraine. This sounds too crazy even for Trump, and yet, strangely, it sounds exactly like somethng he wold do. And indeed, when I awakened dark and early this morning, among the first news items I heard on NPR was that Trump had suspended military assistance to Ukraine. The didn't say whether the suspension is temporary or would be lifted with conditions. We the Americna people thus continue going down the road by which our country is abandoning Ukraine, and becoing allied with Putin, and Russia. It seems more apparant every day. The question is: is that what we, the American people want? The atest polls indicate that Trump is unpopular, and that a majority of American oppose him and his policies, incluidng our apparant defection from Ukraine, and support of Russia by Trump They didn't say pecisely what percentage of the American people disapprove of Trump allying with Russia, or Trump taking orders from Putin, but most likely its a significant majority. It seems more probably by the day that Trump is indeed on Putin's side, and that, for some reason, Putin has control of Trump, maybe by blackmailing him with information highly damaging to Trump.Trup, with his pathological dishonesty, is perfectly capable of giving strong U.S. support to Putin and Russia, and simultaneuosly telling the American people that "we" are neutral, or, that our only concern is peace, or that "we" still support Ukraine's independence, blah blah. That is reason enough, unto itself, to oppose and remove Trump; his treatment of Zelenskyy on live television, and all the rest, is a carefully planned and orchestrated pproject to make the United States change sides in the Russian war in Ukraine. However, a strong majority of Americans, including me, stand with Ukraine. The United States needs to remain on Ukraine's side, fighting for and supporting Ukarine. At the moment, we need to accomplish this by making it plain, loud, and clear to Trump and everyone that this is what we want to do , and intend to do, regardless of what he tries to do. This backstabbing of Ukraine by Trump is amogn the most egregious things he has ever done, and, as they say, that's goin' some. Te long standing conspiracy theory that Trump is and has long been in Putin's pockets, and is essentially under Putin's control seems more and more probable. Trump forces Zelenskyy to turn down an unacceptable dela, then accuses Zelenskky of not dealing, and abandons him, presumably taking the United States with him But this in unacceptable to me. I refuse to change sides, and support Russia. I insist that Putin and Russia return all occupied Ukrainian territory to Ukraine, as a beginning of the peace process. I love Russia; the Russian people, Russian culture, Russian history, but, I despise Putin, the same way and for essentially the same reasons I despise Trump. Putin, like Trump, must go. We the American people and the Russian need to unite, and rise up in righteous indignation, protest, and revolution against the nefarious Putin-Trump axis of evil. WE the American and Russian people want democray, with we the people in power, implementing the popular will. At least, many if not most of us do. Strangely, crazily, a fairly large number of people seem to favor authoritarian governance, by a strong man, and his gang. We must hope and pray that they remain forever in the minority.
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