Seeking truth through diverse,openminded expression,explaining america to the world
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Trump, Trying To Be A Bully, (But Failing.Miserably)
I DESPISED DONALD TRUMP from the moment I first saw him,on the cover of "The National Enquirer" in the late nineteen seventies, I think it was. Fancy boy, posing for a scandal sheet, showing off his first of several trophy wives, Marla Maples. It is uncertain which he most craves; attention and fame, wealth, or power. In his psychotic insecurity he is addicted to all three. It is rumored that Trump's people advised Vladimir Zelenskyy to appear with Trump in a suit and tie. All the king's horses and all the king's men seem unable to make Trump look other than rumpled in his formal attire. Zelenskyy prefers to down dress, wanting to be authentic, knowing that he is only a public servant, and not superior. J.D. VAnce took a pot shot at Zelenskyy with Trump as his shield, as pre planned, and the two gangsters launched their gratuitous attack, likely following Putin's instructions. The whole sordid verbal attack on Zelenskky was as carefully orchestrated as Trump's insurrection, and no less egregioius. The mafia don, his thugs in the room, making their hit. Zelenskyy never should have tried to speak during Trump's psychotic ranting tyrade. He should have listened intently, hands demurely folded on his lap, looking straight at Trump, and remained slient until Trump finally ran out of gas, and stopped ranting. Then he should have said: "Mr. President, my country did not start this war. My country was invaded and occpuied, and remains occupied, by an unprovoked aggressor. Nor am I a dictator,sir. I was duly elected, without Russian assistance. You should try it sometime. If there is a dictator in this room, Mr. President, it isn't me. I have never expressed any desire to be a dictator. You have. To you, everything is transactional. Everything is a deal. OK, so be it. I am willing to deal. You want to please Mr. Putin and me both. That will be difficult. You're right, I lack cards. But I have something much more important: a legitimate grievance. I am the injured party, My country and I. Not you. Not Russia. I insist, that as part of any deal, my country be given its territory back, all of it, and that Russia and the woeldld help us rebuild it, and that Ruiisa and the world give us security guarantees. Also, the United States has not given Ukraine three hundred and fifty billion dollars worth of assistance, but rather, a little more than one hundred billion, for which we are infinitely grateful, as we have often told you. When the aid was given, there was no mention of our paying for it. Had that been your country's preference and intent, your country should have said so at the time, but did not. We are perfectly willing to pay for all future military assistance, by signing an agreement for mining rights to our valuable minerals. Whatever the future of the relationship between our two coutires, it must be built upon truth, not lies." Of course, Trump never would have allowed Zelenskyy to say all that without interrupting and talking over him. Maybe Zelenskyy should have continued his statement nonethelss, the two men talking at the same time. Marco Rubio, also hiding behind Trump, made the laughable remark that Zelenskyy was disrespectful toprevaricating and Trump, and should apologize. It is of course Trump who should apologize, but he is obvously incapable of it. It is probable that Trump has never apologized for anybody for anything in his entire criminal life,and never will. Roy Cohn trained him well, in the art of prevaricating and bullying. Like all bulllies, Trump is at heart a trembling coward, with a thinly veiled facade of strength. Zelenskyy stood up to him, and was humiliated only by virtue of spending time in the same room with a psychotic criminal. Decent Americans are ashamed of and embarressed by Trump, while immoral Americans are probably proud of him, just as they seem proud of his criminality, to the extent that they acknowlegde rather then deny it. Decent Americans should not be embarrassed or ashamed, they sould be angry, and determined to remove Trump, and to replace him with a person with Zelenskyy's courage, honor, and integrity. As Trump sinks to previously unknown depths of depravity, so do his supprters, as usual.
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