Seeking truth through diverse,openminded expression,explaining america to the world
Monday, March 3, 2025
Reasons For Removing Trump
THERE ARE MANY RESONS forremoving Trump. Reasons for impeaching, trying, convicting, and removing him from the presidency, and reasons to indict, try, convict, and incarerate or perhaps even execute him. These reasons have to do with the may ilegal actions he has taken, and crimes he has committed already durig the first five weeks of his second adminiatration, as well as the massie number of such acts and crimes prior to his second term. And, not irrelevantly, all, yes, all of his ideas are bad, very bad. Just plain stuped, even. Consider this idea of the United States acuqiring Greenland. What should really happen is that Greenland steadily, intelligently transition from a semi-Danish possession, supported by and governed in part by Denmark to a completely independent, sovereign cocuntry, equal in all ways to all the other roughly two hundred countires in the world. The relatively small population of Greenland much prefers this option to becoming part of the United States, either as a fifty first state or territory. Ironically, the fact that Trump is president is a main cause of why Greenlandians have lately lost even more interest in affiliation with the U.S., even though the idea, at least in its latest incarnation, is Trump's. Trump, you see, is no more popular in Greenland than he is in the rest of the world, outside the United States, which is, not very. And yes, many other people have had the same idea, over teh decades, that the United States should expand, should keep growing and growing, and should annex Greenland. As is well known, Trump wants Canada too, and perhaps Mexico, although he doesn't seem as enthusiastic about Mexico. This may have something to do with the skin pigmentation of their respective populations. This lingerig idea of an ever expanding United States, resurrected by Trump, is, genarlly, a horrible idea, as horrible as annexing Greenland and Canada and teh Panama Canal.The canal should either remain in Panamanian hands, or turned over to the United Nations.. Certainly not teh United States, even though the U.S.A. built it built it, finishing what the French started, and owned and operated for seventy five years, until President Jimmy Carter signed it over to Panama in 1979. Many, many Americans were mad at Carter about that. For any one country to have that much of an advnatage in controllig thae canal is not the ost desirable situation, even if that country is the United States. What does Trump want, to become Donald the Conquerer, the great American tyrant who presides over the complete American conquest of the world, with the United States of America becoming the United States of Earth? Asid from the insurrection and other crims committed by Trump during his first term and during Biden's term, aside from hsi thirty four felony convictions,aside from teh fac that these crimes merit incarceration and,arguably, execution, during the past five weeks alone, the Trump administration, with all these governemnt firings and destrution of government agencies and unconstitutional executive orders, has already committed enough seriuos crimes in the past five weeks to merit indictment, impeachment, trial, conviction, and removal. My personal campaign to remove Trump began before his most recent inauguration, for insurrection and treason. Now, my reaons for thi project have shifted to this adminstration, actions Trump has taken in the last five weeks, fresh crimes. Donald J.Trump, no atter what he id doing, siiiiimply cannot obey teh law. He is addicted to crime, has commmitted crimes his entere life and is commiting more and crimes, each and every day....right now. Those of us, millions of us, who seek to remove Trump from office have a solid case agiasnt him,based only on his behavior every day in teh present. What we are really trying to do is to prevent him from being able to commit thousands more crimes over the next four years. Because if he isn't stopped, you know damned good and well, indeed everyone knows, that he will.
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