Friday, April 5, 2024

Trump's Troubles, Roosting

IT BECOMES DIFFICULT and burdensome, keeping track of Donald Trump's legal battles. Limiting it to probable felonies committed, under current indictment for, is bad enough. The judge in Georgia dismissed six, so its down to eighty five from ninety one, at the moment. The prosecutor can refile the dismissed six, but needs to be more specific. In the D.C. insurrection trial, Trump's lawyers argued for dismissal, because its not unconstitutional to lie. The judge disagreed. In the stolen documents trial, Trump's lawyers are arguing that Trump, as president had every right to take them home, and, as president, was and remains immune to prosecution. Again, the judge seems to disagree. Trump has already been hit hard by civil judgments; and his troubles are only now truly beginning. His first criminal trial will start in less than two weeks, the one in New York in which honest don allegedly used money from campaign contributions to pay off a porn star, Stormie Daniels, hush money to cover up an affair. Can you imagine, some sweet little old lady evangelical Christian widow living on Social Security sending her ten dollars to her hero, Donald J. Trump, because he does not kill babies, and he says he loves Jesus, and Jesus says Trump should be president. Only, honest don takes the ten bucks, and hands it over to Stormi, to keep her quiet. Almost certainly there will be much television time for this porn star payment trial. Day in and day out, for several weeks, Trump, front and center, on camera, on trial for white collar financial crimes like fraud, and theft. It bears repeating that stealing top secret documents and hiding them in your home and trying to overthrow the government by inciting a violent mob are both extremely serious crimes, traditionally punishable by death. We in the United States are approaching as seldom before a split in our nation which could result in another civil war. On one side, Donald Trump is a hero a great man who made America great again, and is now being hounded, persecuted, tormented, harassed, and destroyed by his enemies, who include much of the mainstream media. the Democratic party, and Joe Biden, the Deep State, liberals in general, among others. Biden and the Democrats and the liberals stole the election from Trump, and are now stealing the country, and must be stopped, by whatever means necessary, including violence. Trump must be returned to office, to make America great again, and to glorify the wishes of God and Jesus Christ. On the other hand, we have more than half of the country which despises Donald Trump, which sees Trump as a criminal, as a failed, renegade president who tried to be a dictator and still wants to be exactly that, and who is supported vigorously by tens of millions of misguided Americans, who support Trump for the same reasons Germans supported Hitler. As anyone can plainly see, this is indeed quite a dramatic schism, with close to half the population on one side, and close to half on the other. Poor independent "none of the above" folks who dont like either side are sort of left out in the cold, being buffetted about by a societal maelstrom. Trump's troubles are coming home to roost, not only for him, but for the rest of us as well. Somehow, we'll survive it all, athough at present its difficult to see how.

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