Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Trump, Selling Bibles

WHEN DONALD TRUMP started selling Bibles, the sarcastic comments started cascading, not surprisingly. It sometimes almost seems as if Trump chooses his words and actions not only to attracct the most possible attention, but to attract the greatest possible scorn and ridicule. It works like a charm. Somebody wondered whether Trump, now that he is selling Bibles, is attending church. I replied: "I hope so, and I hope it helps". I was trying to be sarcastic. What I like about Trump's foray into the social media industry and his bible distributorship is that both are something new for Trump, something other than real estate and luxury resorts. Upon closer inspection, however, Trump has in fact tried his hand in an amazing variety of business ventures. Nearly all have failed. Online I saw a picture of a Holy Bible, a nice large volume encased in a nice looking brown leather cover. There was no caption or sentence saying anything about the Bible, but I assumed, merely from the fact that its picture was there, that it is Trump's bible, or rather, the one he is selling. Still, I'm not sure. When I examined the photo, I was impressed, and not a little amazed. It is a patriotic Bible, combining American patriotism and Christian devotion. A dangerous, deadly combination, if you ask me. Across the lower half is the image of an American flag, old red, white and blue glory, waving, flowing across the Holy Book. Smack in the middle of the brown cover is imprinted the phrase: "God bless the U.S.A." And I believe towards the top it says something like "Holy Bible". Seems like the word "Trump" is on there somewhere, but I may be dreaming. Am I dreaming, or is each sixty dollar copy authographed by Trump himself? Or can you order one with the John Hancock Honest Don scribble, for an extra charge? That would be in keeping with the spirit not only of American celebrity capitalism, but with Trump's money making proclivities, wouldn't it? This is American conservatism in its most monstrous form; that old familiar toxic mix of super religious piety and super proud aggressive patriotism, love of country, and money. God, Jesus Christ, and America, as one. And don't forget guns and money, icons of the right. The is the magic formual that sent out legions of arms bearing Christian land stealing pioneers, determined to either Christianize, Americanize, and make white the native savages, or kill them. The great American Christian captalistic juggernaut, armed to the teeth, with Jesus, guns, and money, taking control of the world, making it safe for Amcerican Chrsitian corporate exploitation and salvation. Goethe, a brilliant eigtheenth and ninetenth century German who seems to have forseen Germany's twentieth century disasters, suggested that the world would be a better place if Germans would scatter to every other country on Earth to live. Maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea for us Americans; a mass American diaspora, in which United Statesians head south, and scatter throughout Latin America, and then to other continents, spreading and attenuating the great American corporate Christian complex, dispersing and blending seamlessly with global culture. Goethe also said that patriotism corrupts history. My country, my religion, both, of course, superior. The fact that Donald Trump is the antithesis of Christian values and virtues does not alter the reality that he is the very embodiment of Christian and American arrogance, greed, and aggression.

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