Friday, April 5, 2024

Trump, Threatening

IF YOU HAVE A BRAIN AND DECENT MORALITY, you get tired of Trump's whining, complaining about being the victim, being treated unfairly, you get tired of his lies, tired of his slander, insults, and threats. You get tired of his incoherent, inane gibberish. All of it. The various and numerous judges before whom honest Don Trump is compelled to appear appear to feel the same way, or are at least beginning to, in their never ending quest to be fair arbiters of justice. On more than one occasion gag orders have been issued by judges in Trump's trials, specifically prohibiting the former president from making any comments at all about certain individuals, or situations. It almost seems inevitable that there well be more to come; Trump obviously likes using his many campaign pep rallies to complain about his legal troubles, to blame them all on other people, to play the part of the victim, like the whiny little coward he seemingly is. One of Trump's judges has a daughter who works with the Demoratic party. Trump found out about it, and has been accusing the daughter of being a Trump hating Democrat, and her mother the judge of also being one. The judge gagged him on that particular topic. Good for her. We'll see if it holds...Trump and his lawyers are so desperate in their obvious guilt that among their legal strategies is to gather as much information as possible about all aspects of the various judges' lives, try to find negative material, and us it to slander, defame the various judges, in a pitiful attempt to demonstrate judicial bias. That is the low level to which Trump and his "legal team" are reduced. Trump has already violated gag orders in the past; if he keeps it up, maybe some fine day he will go a bit too far, cross the line, and end up in jail for repeated instances of contempt of court. That, of course, could be a problem. The sight of Trump, wearing an orange jump suit with a long number on it, in cuffs, being escorted to a jail cell might be enough to trigger a right wing extremist MAGA violent nationwide riot. Over the next few months, Trump is going to be making numerous, regular appearances in various state and federal courts of law, and during the proceedings statements are going to be made and rulings handed down which will be very unfavorable to Trump. Meanwhile, he will be out on the campaign trail, running for president by complaining about his legal difficulties, about the imaginary conspiracy against him, whining about being treated so terribly unfairly, as only Donald Trump can whine. And, all across America's fruited plain and the land of liberty, millions of Trump lovers will believe every word, every lie their icon utters, and will, over a period of days, weeks, and months, become terribly riled up, angry, ready to rumble. A very high percentage of Trump supporters believe that the election was stolen from Trump, that a conspiracy to destroy Trump is very real, and that because of all that political violence is justified. Recall when Trumps stood before an angry, well armed mob, and told them to "go to the Capitol and fight like hell". They went to the Capitol, fought like hell, and damned near overthrew the American government, killing nine people in the process. That's who Trump supporters are. That's who evangelical conservatives are. The same folks who took their bibles and assault rifles to the Capitol, tryng to violently overthrow the American government. Over the next few weeks and months, Trump is going to be preparing his mob for more violence.

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