Friday, April 22, 2016

Getting Over the Brave New World of non Discrimination, Slowly

ALL ACROSS THE FRUITED PLAIN, progressive, intellectual communities full of left wing wackos, usually college towns, are passing ordinances prohibiting discrimination against LesbianGayBisexualTransgender people. In their state capitols, conservative legislators from the hinterlands, morally outraged that a bunch of libs would dare legalize the treatment of human beings like human beings, are passing state laws making it illegal for municipalities to pass anti-discrimination laws. By God, this here sate'll discriminate against any damned weirdo it damned well wants to, and to hell with local autonomy! So much for the conservative crusade against big, intrusive, centralized government, so much for local autonomy, a supposed pillar of conservatism, so much for communities setting their own standards. Flush the conservative anti-big government creed down the toilet, in either restroom, in the name of stopping liberals from being progressives! This is what we have come to in America; arguing over which restroom Americans should legally be allowed to use. In the great progressive (ha ha) state of North Carolina, a new law requires each and every citizen to relieve his or herself in whatever restroom pertains to the gender listed on his or her birth certificate. Sorry, Caitlyn Jenner, you're just plain out of luck, and so, apparently, in a sort of what goes around comes around vein, is the great state of North Carolina, as one corporate entity after another vows to either pull out, or avoid going in in the first place, along with Bruce Springsteen. America's corporate community, long considered a bastion of conservatism, has gone socially liberal; they want nothing to do with anything which might insult anyone who might happen to be lesbiangaybisexualtransgender. This is a reflection of a majority of America's consumers of corporate goods and services: treat everyone equally. The losers appear to be right wingers who harbor intolerant religious beliefs based on primitive, outdated religiosity, who most likely will eventually have to hold their noses nationwide and share restroom facilities with people who are new to their gender. They'll get over it, even if it takes awhile, which it most certainly will. They always do, and it always does.

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