Saturday, October 12, 2024

Trump, Seeking An Evil Pinnacle

I'VE BEEN TO DENVER, but not to Aurora, which, like Denver, must have grown a lot over the last few decades. Evidently, in terms of population, its similar to Detroit. Trump visited both cities in the last couple of days, and insulted both, which to any sane person might seem like a terrible campaign strategy. Trump, playing to his base. Word is he is going to have a rally in California soon, proving that all he cares about is playing to his base, perhaps laying the groundwork for another mass violent uprising and insurrection after another election loss. It may be that Trump realizes that all he was lacking on January 6, 2021, the day of his first attempt to overthrow the government, was numbers, sheer numbers. According to the twice impeached former president, Aurora, Colorado is overrun with Venezualian gangs, who in effect control the city. Trump ignores the reality that in today's world, everybody carries a smart phone in his or her back pocket, and photographs everything. There are nearly half a million peeps in Aurora ready, willing, and able to document and confirm the existence of ubiquitous Latin American gangs, infesting, poisoning the blood of, and governing the city, There is, however, no such confirmation. Only Donald Trump seems to have noticed this problem. Trump has notably slandered the cities of Milwaukee, Philapelphia, and Detroit, all of which have a high percentage of African-American residents. Trump's racism is so obvious that it is not at all unfair to openly label him a "racist". If Norwegian gangs were overrunning and controlling Minneapolis or Duluth you wouldn't hear a peep out of Trump about it. If they wore "MAGA" ball caps and "Norwegian gangsters for Trump" T shirts he would praise them, and call them great American patriots. Trump must be given credit for his uncanny ability to abandon his racism the moment a dark skinnned person expresses support for him. Trump supporters, no matter how dark their skin, are simply incapable of "poisoning the blood" of America, as Trump made it clear all other dark skinned immigrants otherwise indeed do. Trump's self serving behavior he tries to disguise as patriotism, and his believers go along with it, since their values match his. It is almsot as if together, Trump and his cult are steadily ascending a mountain of pure evil perfidy. Trump is not content to launch merely one vicious line of attack with lies; he must multi task. His other target is the government relief effort following hurricanes Helene and Milton. Claiming the the Biden-Harris administration has deliberately bankrupted FEMA, that the current massive relief effort is a total failure, and that Biden and Harris care more about illegal immigrants than victims of hurricanes, and proves it by transferring money from the natural disaster fund directly to those criminal, murdering, raping dark skinned immigrants from the Latin American south. As always, all of this nonsense, all of these false claims are blatant lies, intended only to stir up his hateful MAGA voter base, and to discredit his political opposition, dishonestly, for personal gain. The tragedy is that in truth Trump and his supporters would be happy to watch the hurricane relief effort fail miserably, to watch blame for it being given to Biden and Harris, and to watch millions of people suffer because of the failure. Millions of homeless, shelterless people, hungry, thirsty, miserable, a welcome sight to MAGA Trump supporters, it would be. And, as always, the true tragedy of this is not that Donald Trump is an ammoral, vicious criminal, but that his supporters are no better than he.

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