Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Surviving Electing Trump

IN ALL SEVEN SWING STATES, according to some polls, Donald Trump has an oh so narrow lead over Kamala Harris, something like one hundreth of a percentage point, composite. This does not mean that he will win, or is even likely to win, but it does prove that he might win. In the event of this unthinkable, horrible possibility, we who despise Trump, his agenda, and his supporters with a passion must be prepared for the worst. The worst day of my life, as far as I can recall, was the day after the 2016 election, when Hillary Clinton lost to Trump. I simply refuse to endure anything that horrible again. This time, if Trump wins, I intend to have a more positive attitude about it. I will hate the outcome no less, and perhaps more, but this time I aint gonna shrink up like a shrinking violet and hide. (Not that I did that in 2016. I just felt like doing it). Actually I am proud of the way I responded to Trump's first election win, and fully intend to be proud of myself again. As Goethe said" "There is no situation which cannot be ennobled through achievement or endurance". In 2020, I congratulated Trump and his supporters, and promised to be a good loyal American, and to give Trump a chance. This I did, and, of course, it didn't work out well. If Trump gets elected in three weeks, I insist that everyone who voted for him openly acknowledge that Trump lost the twenty twenty election, and that the entire election lie fiasco was tragic, unnecessary, and unpatriotic. If Trump is elected in twenty twenty four, it will be because of the same people who have claimed for the past four years that the last election was stolen from Trump. I can and will simultaneously congratulate them on once again electing their candidate, after which I will immediately insist on an election lie retraction from them and an apology, and will formally designate anyone who fails to provide it a traitor. I wonder whether Jeff Bezos will resurrect his project of printing every lie Trump utters as president in his Washington Post newspaper - I hope and suspect he will, in the awful event of a new Trump presidency. I for one shall personally resurrect my project of keeping tabs on Trump's daily lies, which, during his first administration, averaged approximately twenty two point five per day. In the faces of Trump supporters I shall thrust the lies, and insist on a response. What I get back will, I am convinced, supply more than enough incredible material to fill volumes. By "incredible",I mean incredibly delusional, false, idiotic, ignorant, and so forth. Anyone who can intelligently defend Trump I will listen to. If, heaven forbid, they win, Trump and his criminal gang of supporters, having regained power, are without doubt going to be more arrogant, more aggressive, and more determined to implement their malignant agenda than ever. Digging for coal, drilling for oil, persecuting gays and Transgender people, neo-liberal pro-corporate economics, American isolationism, the whole tragic, idiotic, harmful agenda, every last item. This, especially, if they win back one or perish the thought both houses of Congress. If that happens, as they say, we're toast. women will become brood mares again, minorities will cease all progress towards human equality, and once again America's allies and adversaries alike will laugh and grimace in amazement at the sheer stupidity of the president of the United States. Our saving grace, perhaps our only one, is that we have been down this road before, this isn't our first rodeo, as they say,we survived it the first time, and, if nothing else, we can cling to the diminishing hope that we can survive it again.

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