Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Reaching the End, Finally

THERE ARE EXACTLY FIVE WEEKS until election day, and, according to the polls, the presidential election is a dead heat, dead even. That means that either candidate could win, both have about a fifty percent chance. Voting has begun, and from now until election day, more and more people will be voting early, by mail, or in person. There are two things for which we all ought to be grateful. One, Biden isn't running. And two, soon, it will all be over, one way or another. I would have been worried about Biden during the entirety of his second term, as would I suspect many other people, and am grateful to be spared that. Whether he would have survived an entire second term is, of course, highly questionable. If Trump wins there is enormous turmoil dead ahead, because Trump and his people, MAGA Republicans and their seventy five million members, will be pushing their radical, ultra conservative agenda, hard. And a majoritiy of Americans will be opposing it with equal vigor, in the media, in Congress, and every everywhere else, and neither side will surrender. If Trump loses, we'll go through all the election denial drama, again, in some way, shape, and form. I must assume, though I may be wrong, that the drama will be less intense than before, and that Trump will have fewer gangsters on his side, claiming that the election was stolen. There won't be nearly as potent an uprising this time. Again, I may be wrong. This time, maybe MAGA will ctually succeed in overthrowing teh government, preventing the electoral college from being certified, replacing Harris electors with Trump flunkies, stealing the presidency for Trump, and, suddenly having a didtatorship in America, like Germany, 1933, under Hitler. One thing we now know is this: this scenario is not impossible. In fact, it seems to be far more possible than neraly anyone could have possibly imagined a few short years ago. Never before in American history have so many Americans engaged in organized, traitorous treason, and this includes the Civil War as the seventy five millino member MAGA movement, and their heinous, infamous, traitorous, treasonous attemptt to violently overthrow the American government. Worst of all, they, the traitorous MAGA gangsters of Trump, are for the most part still very much with us and among us. The thought that this loathsome rabble might actually succeed in getting Trump elected in five weeks, this stark reality, is so horrible to contemplate as to be nearly beyond contemplation. Much, of course, depends onw hich party controls Congress, or whether each party controls one of the two legislative bodies.Republican congressional control, with Trump as president, would embolden the MAGA movement so greatly that it wouls seek to implement every item mentioned in the infamous, utterly reprehensible "Project 2025" agenda, including replacement of the governemnt with Trump loyalists, and installation of the Christian Nationalist agenda, abortion bans, book bans, persecution of LGBTQ people and immigrant minorities, to which Trump would gladly accede. He doesn't give a damn one way or another, about any issue, inclduding religion and reproductive rights; he only cares about maintaining his status as a wildy popular cult leader. When Trump first entered politics, comparisons of his MAGA supporters to Hitler's NAZI movement, which some percipient people presented, I dismissed as overwrought, distorted, exaggerated. I no longer do. Our best hope is that there are indications that Kamala Harris is going to win the election, unless Trump eeks ot narrow victories in all the "swing" states. Either way, fasten your seat belts.

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