Saturday, July 27, 2019

Trump, Spewing Hatred, As Usual

LET'S SEE NOW....what was it this time.....oh yes...something to the effect: "the city of Baltimore, and Elija Cummings' congressional district is infested by rats and rodents (as if rats weren't rodents), it is a filthy shit hole, and no decent human being would want to live there. If Cummings were a decent person, he would spend more time in his home district, cleaning up the filth, instead of having the extreme temerity to dare criticize me, the great Donald Trump, or to imply that I, the great one, am anything less than perfection personified..."..Those were not Trump's exact twitter tweet words, but that is indeed the essence of it, the latest in a lengthening serious of vicious, slanderous, dishonest insults emanating from the great reprobate, our justifiably maligned president. Like all cowardly bullies, and all Trump supporters, Trump does his best slandering from a distance. This, of course, is nothing new. Racism is what drives Trump, and has been his driving force his entire life. From the backseat of his limousines, Trump has for decades engaged in two of his favorite pursuits, molesting women, or spewing racism and hatred. The sexual molestations we know about because he bragged about being a sexual predator, in the now famous Access Hollywood recording, which was released one month before his election, and yet did nothing to deter his supporters from voting for him, but actually seems to have encouraged their support, revealing not only their complete moral bankruptcy, but their cowardice. In essence, if you voted for Trump, you made a grave mistake, and exposed your moral weakness. If you continue to support him now, you are indisputably of low moral character, a reprobate. The racism we know about because dozens of people who have known Trump for decades assure us that Trump's racism is no illusion, nor a recent development; Donald J. Trump is a hard core, lifelong bigot. Twice in the nineteen seventies he and his father, another reprobate, were busted by the feds for housing discrimination against, you guessed it, African-Americans. The Trumps took a plea deal, and did not contest the allegations. You'll recall that during the entire Obama presidency, Trump and other racists tried to persuade us that Obama had been born in Kenya, even when his Hawaiian birth was verified by witnesses and a valid birth certificate. Later, trump quietly admitted the truth. Then came his presidency, the "shit hole country" comment, and all the rest. The list is long, too long to deny. And yet, his supporters, millions of them, deny that he is a racist, using the usual lame arguments, which they get away with because racists today, out of fear and shame, tend to couch their racism in indirect language which can be ascribed to other motives. That Shit holes countries are shit hole countries has nothing to do with skin color, such lame, deceitful arguments go. Not all Trump supporters and Republicans and conservatives are racists, but all racists are conservative Republican Trump supporters. You won't find a single liberal among them. For two weeks after Trump declared his candidacy I supported him. Then, I figured it out. I am ashamed to admit that I was a Trump supporter for two weeks. I am ashamed that many of my friends, now former friends, still support Trump. And above all, I am deeply ashamed that anybody in America supports him, I am deeply ashamed of my country for electing him and for still giving him any support at all, and I am embarrassed to know that around the world, Trump is the object of contempt and ridicule, and that, worst of all, he has relegated our beloved country to the same status.

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