Monday, July 15, 2019

Going Ever Lower

DONALD TRUMP is indisputably a criminal, a reprobate, and arguably criminally insane. A cursory examination of his policies and behavior strongly suggests as much; a detailed examination verifies it. The facts are well known, and scarcely bear repeating. Defining a "criminal" as someone who breaks the law, defining a "crime" as both misdemeanors and felonies, Trump's words and actions qualify, clearly. Anyone who either supports this president's policies, fails to condemn his behavior, or both, is either lacking in moral character and decency, or has suspended good judgment and moral character for personal or political expediency. Treason is one of only three crimes mentioned in the constitution. For the president to fail to act or to even acknowledge the reality of the greatest threat to American national security, climate change, is clearly a crime against the United States and humanity. Further examples of his criminal activities are easily available. When Trump exposes his own extreme moral deficiency, he does so so humorously that it makes for good entertainment, which may partly explain why seem to tolerate it. Another partial explanation is that his view coincide with those of a high percentage of the American people, thus revealing their moral deficiency, if not complete moral bankruptcy. It is already being pointed out that the four members of congress singled out for vicious slander by Trump have in common that they are female, are "of color" in the popular parlance, have been highly critical of Trump, and are all citizens of the United States, three of them having been born in the United States. Trump attacked them verbally for being critical of America, and for having immigrant backgrounds. Trump also has an immigrant background, as is well known, although he himself evidently dos not know that it was his grandfather, not his father, whom migrated from Germany, having been kicked out of that country for unethical behavior, which seems to be hereditary. Trump to has been critical of America, the distinction being that his criticism are usually fabrications. He fails to understand that to criticize one's country by using provable fact to indicate areas of potential improvement is the patriotic duty of every good citizen. Throughout his presidency, and since long before hi became president, trump has revealed himself to be a racist, a misogynist, and a pathological liar. To cite these facts is not unfair nor slanderous; they can be proven, easily. Every slanderous remark about minorities and women, every outright lie trump has told, has been irrefutably documented, and is available to anyone to see. The fact that the American people chose a person of such low character as president is shocking. to have voted for Donald Trump may be forgiven as an error in judgment, a understandable human mistake. To support him at this point, or to fail to condemn his behavior and treatment of others is so reprehensible that anyone who does os can only be described a an accomplice to evil, and therefore, deeply immoral.

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