Monday, July 15, 2019

Letting The Word "Bullshit" Bear the Burden, but Being Blessed by a Presumptuous Evangelical

FINALLY, ON FACEBOOK, I had a long longed for direct exchange between me, and an evangelist. These are the folks who have aroused my ire by supporting Trump at a rate of eighty percent, despite Trump's demonstrably un-Christian behavior and policies. It began when a post appeared, listing Trump's alleged accomplishments. Among them was his removal of the United States from the Paris climate change agreement, which, I argued, was hardly an accomplishment, being insane by virtue of failing to address climate change. The self described evangelical told me that I need to learn the facts, and that the United States would have been 'screwed' as he indelicately put it, by remaining in the agreement. Instead of explaining that my disagreeing with him was not an indication of my being unaware of the facts, that two people can be aware of the same set of facts and reach different conclusions from them, I used the word "bullshit", and left it at that. Instead of pointing out that the purpose of having the United States in the Paris agreement was not to secure economic advantage for the U.S., or to avoid being "screwed" as he indelicately put it, by being economically disadvantaged, but rather, to begin meaningful worldwide cooperation to fight climate change, and that whatever economic loss accrued to the United sates fighting climate change was of secondary importance, and probably appropriate, since the United States is the leading cause of climate change, I failed to make this point. I failed to point out that if the entire world does not cooperate in fighting climate change, it really won't much matter whether the United States got screwed, or for that matter whether the united States was economically healthy at the precise moment when the world becomes uninhabitable by human beings. Instead, I allowed the word "bullshit" to bear the burden. These days, I have little inclination to say much more to evangelicals other than "bullshit", to put it indelicately, owing to their willful and undoubtedly sincere and well considered support for Donald J. Trump. His response to my indelicate use of the word "bullshit" was "god bless you anyway, you lost soul". I quickly responded: "god bless you too, you sanctimonious, presumptuous soul". He responded with an emoji, one depicting the shedding of a tear. That might be the last communicative exchange between the two of us, an emoji shedding tears. His sanctimony derives, upon further reflection, from his assuming that I am somehow a "lost soul" for using the word "bullshit", for disagreeing with him about the Paris climate change accord, or for whatever reason he assumed, presumptuously, that my soul is "lost'. In all fairness, that aint a whole lotta evidence upon which to assume loss of soul in somebody. God bless me "anyway"? WTF? An evangelical, qualifying a blessing? That's both sanctimonious and presumptuous. As if he can only bestow the lord's blessing upon me with reluctance, as if his so doing is an act of generosity, in spite of my being undeserving of it. Hence, his sanctimony. I hope the tear shedding emoji indicated his regret at being presumptuous and sanctimonious, but I rather doubt it does. Even now, he is probably weeping for my soul, which he sanctimoniously, presumptuously, and mistakenly presumes is lost. I can assure him that is isn't. God knows exactly where it is, even if he doesn't.

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