Monday, December 10, 2018

Evolving Our God

ALL THE WORLD'S major religions are ancient, primitive, and misleading, and should be respectfully encouraged to evolve fadingly away. religion, of course, serves a very real human need, an emotional need for relevance, understanding, inspiration, and comfort. Religiosity is an emergent quality, the effect of combining billions and billions of nerve cells into a bundle and placing a bone protector around the cell mass. The human mind seeks to understand the universe, and to come to terms with it. The main problem with religion is that it fails to correct itself, fails to incorporate new knowledge into its belief system, and therefore, over time, stagnates in it sown errors, which become increasingly obvious. Every major religion, being thousands of years old, is thousands of years behind in knowledge, and all contain beliefs which are unquestionably outdated, just plain wrong. We have become habituated to glossing over those inconvenient facts, in our urge to preserve our traditional religions, rather than update and improve them, like science does. Isn't there some way to express our worshipful, reverential regard for existence by embracing an enlightened, rather than a petty, all to human creative intelligence? Must we, in order to be religious, believe in a God who slaughters thousands of people whimsically, or sends bolts of lightening down to Earth to kill bad guys? how about a God of creation whose spirit is manifest in the laws of nature, in the perfect aligned force of gravity, or in the forces which bind the nucleus of every atom in the universe together, making their, and our existence possible, and even necessary? For me, the Old testament God is simply too violent, too malicious, too capricious to worship and obey, but would be better off in an insane asylum. For me the beautiful, true God is the "infinitely superior spirit" manifestly perceivable in nature. The human species will spend at least the next one hundred years, certainly the rest of the twenty first century, fighting for its very survival, mainly against climate change, but also under threat of global epidemic, food and water shortages, the effects of over population. Whether we, whether our descendants win the war to survive as a species will depend on science, hard, solid, factual science and applied sciences, technology - not religion. it will be in our best interests to focus on the most advanced science we can muster, not the most primitive religious traditions.

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