Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Rolling Back The Constitution

THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT, it is rumored, intends to issue an executive order rescinding the fourteenth amendment to the U.S. constitution, in particular the clause in which it is stipulated that anyone born on American soil is a full citizen of the United States, and entitled to any and all benefits, rights, and privileges deriving therefrom. Or something to that effect. The fourteenth amendment was of course enacted shortly after the conclusion of the Civil war, a period of time in which the so called "radical republicans" in congress, in passing the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fourteenth amendments, sought to foster a newly conceived nation in which all people are considered to have inalienable, and unalienable (your choice) rights as human beings. These three amendments can collectively be regarded as the most magnanimous part of the constitution, as noble in intent as the original bill of rights, which, ironically, its authors, principally James Madison, feared would be ignored, and therefore irrelevant. The Republican party originated as a liberal political party, predicated on the noble idea of halting the extension of slavery into newly constituted states, the "free soil party". My, how things have changed. By the late nineteenth century the party had been captured by big business, and thus imprisoned it remains today. Behold our current Republican party; determined to press forth with a xenophobic agenda,, hostile to immigrants, and now, to the newly born babies of illegal immigrants. the president evidently thinks himself capable of nullifying constitutional provisions at will, through executive order. Exactly where he got this bizarre notion will likely be lost in the mists of future history, which, in all truth, cannot come soon enough. The process by which changes are made to the constitution are quite clearly enumerated within the document itself, and do not include executive orders issued by would be tyrants. The president asserts that any child born to illegal parents on American soil receives eighty five years of the benefits of American citizenship, unjustly. He omits mention of the details, inconvenient to his argument, that the same child spends a lifetime working, producing wealth, and paying taxes, thus sharing the wealth she produces.What else might one expect from a chief executive who beholds a group of hungry, desperate children desperately trying to survive, and describes it as "an invasion". The president should not be impeached; he should be laughed out of office, and out of sight of decent human society.

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