Wednesday, October 10, 2018


MEALS ON WHEELS is one of those federal social spending programs that conservative Republicans are so fond of describing as wasteful, unnecessary, and beyond the intended purposes of government, which only exists to defend the national borders, defend the country, enforce the law, and, once in a great while, build a road or two. Government should hardly even be collecting revenue, should collect only as much as needed to perform these few basic services, and for the most part, leave people alone and on their own, fending for themselves. At least, that seems to be the basic right wing attitude about government; correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm not. All taxation is forced compensation of personal wealth, should be and used to be illegal, back when America was great. Only occasionally should low tariffs be put in place to protect fledgling businesses and industries from crushing foreign competition; tariffs should be the primary means of raising revenue for the government. high tariffs inhibit free trade, and high taxes sap the strength of the economy. social spending programs to help the poor, such as SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program, which used to be called 'food stamps", unemployment insurance, aid to mothers with dependent children, or whatever that one is called, and meals On wheels are not popular with fiscally conservative socially conservative right wing republicans, TEA Party types the Senior Center Where I volunteer has a Meals On wheels program, and I sometimes deliver meals. its fun and fascinating to get to know the people; many of them want to form a friendship with the delivery person. Most of the recipients live i modest houses and seem to be relatively low or very low income people, but interestingly, most of them, nearly all of them seem to have a very large flat screen TV, presumably all up to cable TV, with hundreds of channels. Frankly, it makes me chuckle. Unfortunately, this arrangement gives ammunition to the right wingers who often argue that most people on welfare or public assistance of one kind or another are merely free loaders, perfectly able to provide for themselves. Well, for that matter, I've seen men looking unwashed in old clothes standing in front of Wal mart on the highway pan handling, talking on smart phones. You republicans, back off. Meals On wheels is one of those programs the right winders love to hate, and the Trump administration wants to do away with it, like it wants to do away with many beneficial government programs, as well as business and environmental regulations. Redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor is the solution to economic stagnation, and the best way to promote growth and prosperity. All these social welfare spending programs which redistribute money from wealthy to poor are exactly what the country needs, a shot in the arm economically, turning millions of people into at least occasional consumers, creating new consumers out of people who were previously spending nothing, doing nothing to help the economy grow, but now, with money from the government, with a little money to spend, can help drive up aggregate demand, thus stimulating new production, supply in response to demand, wealth, job creation, and prosperity, exactly what the business leaders and capitalists say they want. The more flat screens I see, as I drop off meals in the homes of people who look like they can't afford them, the better the economy is for everybody.

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