Monday, October 22, 2018

Defeating Trumpism

THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, basically, is the white Christian party. The white Christian conservative party. Its become very narrow in focus, the party of the wealthy pretending to be the party of the hard working, trapped with Trump, which is even worse. That's why it would benefit the country for the Democrats to win the forthcoming election. Horrible it must be, to find oneself in the same political party as Donald Trump, and winning with him. It would be like being a Democrat and having to support Jane Fonda as president. We in America need to get back to serious leadership, soon. But evidently we elected Trump to turn everything upside down, so we could start over. Or something like that. America is not a country which needs to reverse Roe v Wade, or needs to ignore climate change, or elect politicians who do, or remove itself from every international agreement it has ever signed. The next thing you know, Trump and his mob will eliminate minimum wage laws, totally privatize medicine, and remove all restraints to business speculation. Under Trump, under the Republicans, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. In 1972, I campaigned for Nixon for president. He started the Environmental Protection Agency, and was planning to introduce government health insurance, when he was forced to resign instead. Our modern Republicans have moved far too far to the right, too much free market capitalism and free market Christianity. The Democrats are the party of the multicultural future. Obamacare, we must all agree, is here to stay, as re all the other socialistic programs, Medicare, Medicaid, and so forth. There is money to be made in converting to clean, sustainable, energy, without fossil fuels, big money, and money to be made by allowing, indeed encouraging immigration to the United States by amazing children. This mob called "the caravan" which is heading north to the U.S. could give the United Stats an economic boost like none before, in terms of hours worked, production accomplished, taxes paid, far into the future. If only our conservative colleagues understood. The great Ronald Reagan signed a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia in 1987, now, Trump has torn it up. The most recent example of a presidency gone crazy. And the Republicans who support this kind of stuff will suffer Trump's political fate, which is ultimately defeat.

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