Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Bringing Rich And Poor Together

IN A COUNTRY with half its people either living in poverty or living paycheck to paycheck, a country with one percent of the population possessing half the wealth, which spends more on its military than all other countries combined, how can you expect to have widespread prosperity? You can't, because you won't. This isn't to say that most wealthy people do not deserve their wealth. And though it is true that economic growth and capital accumulation are not zero sum games; the money your wealthy friend is making does not take money away from you or prevent you from making your own fortune. But when a major portion of the population has virtually no expendable income, no consumer power, then the demand for market goods and services is small, because the very wealthy can provide only so much demand, and growth is nearly impossible. If you want to grow big, strong, prosperous market economy, you must have a large consuming population driving demand. People who previously had no consumable wealth must be provided the means of a steady income, and welfare money, when spent, stimulates the economy just like all other consumer spending. We the people must have enough wealth and income to be participants, to drive demand up, and thus, production, distribution, and shared prosperity. The poor will always be among us only if we refuse to do what is necessary to render the poor prosperous. May the middle class grow until it includes us all. the day may come, if we chose to make it happen, when nobody will be either excessively wealthy or excessively poor, but everyone will be adequately provided for, materially. We've a long way to go, but we're working on it.

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