Sunday, December 22, 2013

Giving Thanks, at Christmas, For Socialistic Salvation

SO HERE I AM, living in a truly great semi-socialistic nation, the United States of America. Its maybe or maybe not the greatest nation, but that doesn't matter, its a great nation. And how wonderful, that our illustrious President, Barack Hussein Obama, saved our great nation, and that thus we still have it, at the advent of the 2013 yuletide. Like, hallelujah. Obama, and the people who worked with him, saved the Bank of America, AIG, Citigroup, General Motors, Chryslar, and about a trillion other giant corporations, right at the beginning of his Presidency. They all went bankrupt, all of America's giant financial services corporations, kaput, outta business, if you'll recall. Back then, in 2009, if the government doesn't step in, and lend-give billions to our fallen corporate giants-masters, corporate America goes belly up, and thus, belly up goes America. Let's make no mistake about that. Maybe we shouldn't be so dependent on our large corporations, but we are, and as they go, we all go. Its crazy the way conservative capitalistic republicans couldn't understand that back then, and apparently still don't. The conservative republicans were just too damned proud of their pure capitalistic religion, in which all government intervention in the economy, even to save it, is bad. Its too funny. The socialist President and his fellow socialist legislators using government socialism to save capitalism from its greedy self, like usual, like it did during the great dpression, with the "New Deal". The worshippers of corporate capitalism are probably claiming that our economy would be better off right now if all these companies had been allowed to go through the regular bankruptcy process. Yeah, right. Years of mass corporate bankruptcy proceedure, as the recession deepens into a never ending depression. Please bear in mind that the very concept of a "bankruptcy process" is in itself a gracious socialistic program which allows failed capitalistic enterprises, which in a fair and competitive economy should be dead, to stay alive, with socialistic (government) help and protection. Long live free entgerprise, and thank the dear lord for the socialism which makes it all possible. Hallelajuh, and Happy Holidays!

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